Dershowitz Puts a Pin in the Left’s Wet Dream of Nabbing Trump on Obstruction of Justice – IOTW Report

Dershowitz Puts a Pin in the Left’s Wet Dream of Nabbing Trump on Obstruction of Justice

Anderson Cooper winces from the pain of his own stupidity while listening to constitutional scholar, Alan Dershowitz, dismiss the notion of “obstruction of justice” charges being leveled at the president.

He explains why it is not possible. Cooper struggles to understand.


ht/ c. steven tucker


26 Comments on Dershowitz Puts a Pin in the Left’s Wet Dream of Nabbing Trump on Obstruction of Justice

  1. Dershowitz is one of those love / hate people. Hillary supporter, but has remained objective throughout this nonsense, and kept the big picture – LET’S MOVE ON!!

  2. Dershowitz keeps bringing up the Constitution. Communists hate the Constitution, they could care less what it allows Trump to do. THEY JUST IGNORE IT!

    Gloria Vanderbilt’s fudge packing offspring could care less about it either.

    Theater of the absurd.

  3. @MJA — haha!

    Also makes me think of how “confused” and “distressed” comey complained of being at the “deeply troubling” and “stunning” things Trump asked of and said to him. comey painted a portrait of himself as Snow White; virginal, innocent — a wide-eyed child in the presence of the cunning, scheming, Big Bad Wolf Trump.

  4. Struggle all he might, Cooper will never understand anything.
    He is blinded by both his totalitarian ideology and by his perversions.
    Combined, they consume him, body and soul.

    izlamo delenda est …

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