Dershowitz Quits The Party – IOTW Report

Dershowitz Quits The Party

“I am no longer a Democrat.”
He can quit, but can he stop looking back?

17 Comments on Dershowitz Quits The Party

  1. Isn’t it interesting, his party guts our energy sector, refuses to secure the border, turns all our big cities into crime ridden cesspools, jacked up inflation through reckless out of control money printing, and worst of all (and something supposedly near and dear to his heart) launches an unpresented lawfare assault on a leading presidential candidature (the very definition of election interference), all this right in front of his nose, but it is the ruffling of the feathers of his precious Israel that finally pushes him to abandon the Democrats.

    He will be the same “Independent” flavor as Bernie Sanders, Joe Manchin, and Ernest King. And, of course, he will be voting for Harris just like Bill Maher and all the other leftists who head fake us into thinking they practice any level of introspection.

  2. Couldn’t stand this dhead ever since he was part of the OJ “Dream Team”. F him.

    How many decades did it take, Alan?


    BTW, President Trump, release those Epstein files!

  3. I agree with every comment above. Allen, we don’t need you. Fuck off. Just as dumb and suicidal as the rest of the American Jews. He got what he’s been voting for for forty years. And now he doesn’t kike it. Freaken amazing.

  4. How a person as smart as Dershowitz could have remained a democrat through the crimes of the Clintoons, 0bama and all the sundry criminals in the upper ranks of the demorat party is only explicable if he was a participant. How is it that now, now it is too much? No gravy flowing? Elder wishing to unburden conscience on the way out?


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