Dershowitz Thinks Trump Witch Hunters Are Gonna Look Like Doucheawitzes – IOTW Report

Dershowitz Thinks Trump Witch Hunters Are Gonna Look Like Doucheawitzes

Dershowitz is not a Trump supporter and thinks the left is going to look like chumps after the special prosecutor turns up nothing.

Dershowitz says something that the breathless pillow biters haven’t even thought through.

Even if Trump told the Russians to hold back emails they hadĀ for a timed October surprise, THAT ISN’T A CRIME!!!!

8 Comments on Dershowitz Thinks Trump Witch Hunters Are Gonna Look Like Doucheawitzes

  1. I sure hope so. There is one particular clown I’d like to tell a big F U to so I can then block him forever on Facebook. I put up with his taunts about “Donnie” just to see how unhinged the guy can get. Every day is a new surprise.

  2. What would he say about the case against Hillary Comey laid out, moments before announcing no reasonable prosecutors would indict her? I’d love to hear that.

  3. I cannot comprehend how constitutional and legal scholars like Dersh, who love civil liberties and all that, have this leg humping love affair with lifetime professional liars, criminals, and lawbreakers like hillary and obozo. What does Dersh think about hillary’s selling our uranium to the Russians and then accepting a $$$ into the clinton foundation? What does Dersh think about hillary’s use of a private server to distribute classified information that huma, weiner, and who knows who else had it? and then lying about it? That’s all OK with Dersh, who voted proudly for hillary, one of the most corrupt figures in our political history? The guy has something strange going in his cranial circuitry with his love of the clinton/dnc/obozo crime syndicate. >90% of academics have the same liberal mental disorder.

  4. No crime has to be committed to prompt an impeachment.
    A crime simply helps the process.

    And what WE call crime isn’t crime, per se, to elected maggots who’ve exempted themselves from what WE call crime. Obola had an American citizen murdered without due process and was supported in this, obvious, criminal act even by the commenters of this site. So there it is.
    Nixon was destroyed by the drumbeat of an all-encompassing socialist press, not by the outrage of Americans. The press’s stranglehold on America has weakened in the intervening years (though the press doesn’t acknowledge the fact) and thus, any move against another popular President (Nixon won 49 States, 520 electoral, and 60.7% of the popular vote) will have to possess a patina of righteousness triumphing over criminality.

    Hence, their constant caterwauling over trivia in the hope that some of their cacophony stumbles upon a resonance among the public.

    izlamo delenda est …

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