DeSantis: Florida will prioritize putting an end to ‘censoring conservative speech’ online – IOTW Report

DeSantis: Florida will prioritize putting an end to ‘censoring conservative speech’ online

(WTXL) — Gov. Ron DeSantis said Thursday that putting an end to “censoring conservative speech” on popular social media platforms is one of his top legislative issues this session.

Thursday, DeSantis spoke at the Texas Public Policy Foundation.

“We need to really think deeply about if we are a disfavored class based on our principles, based on having conservative views, based on being a Christian, based on whatever you can say that is not favored in Silicon Valley,” DeSantis said in front of the conservative crowd.

He said it “bothered” him how Parler, a social media alternative favored by right-wing conservatives, was “decapitated” and shunned by tech giants like Google, Facebook, Twitter, and Amazon, following the U.S. Capitol riot on Jan. 6. DeSantis contended that the company should have been able to compete in the free market.

“I think it’s probably the most important legislative issue that we’re going to have to get right this year and next year,” DeSantis said.

Gov. DeSantis said that Florida would begin taking action on the issue.

6 Comments on DeSantis: Florida will prioritize putting an end to ‘censoring conservative speech’ online

  1. Love Desantis.

    But given all of the sh*t that has happened over the last two Years….The same

    People Who Voted for Gillum….Would do it again…Right down to Jimmy Buffet

    doing a Benefit Concert for Him….That’s Methed up.

  2. Since the internet is an interstate thing, how can he get around the Interstate Commerce situation that would make it subject to Federal regulation instead of State regulation?

    I’m not seeing how this would work, can someone see some workable situation for that would allow individual States to regulate the internet instead of the Federal government? Particularly so if the internet tech companies are not located in the State that wants to regulate them?

  3. He’s no Rick Scott. 🤑. Ron is the….


    Some suggest he run for President 2024. I say NO. We need him another term to keep the loonies in check moving in from lockdown high tax states.


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