DeSantis orders Florida National Guard troops to return home from DC – IOTW Report

DeSantis orders Florida National Guard troops to return home from DC

h/t Uncle Al

WASHINGTON – Gov. Ron DeSantis has ordered Florida National Guard members to return home from Washington, D.C.

DeSantis said he made the order Thursday night.

The Florida governor appeared on ‘Fox and Friends’ Friday morning, saying the Guard’s continued presence after the inauguration was “a half-cocked mission at this point.”

“They’ve served our country all around the world, they’ve served the state of Florida after natural disasters,” DeSantis told the Fox News hosts. “They’re soldiers, they’re not Nancy Pelosi’s servants.” more

10 Comments on DeSantis orders Florida National Guard troops to return home from DC

  1. Good question, janitor.
    My guess is it was simply a matter of routine.
    It was requested and a reason for a good N-G exercise.
    It may have also been an effort to begin in good faith.
    As the governor of Florida, it is in his best interest for the state to try and get along, since federal funds benefit the state.
    DeSantis obviously cares about Florida first and foremost, therefore I cannot fault him for this.

  2. Fox “NEWS”…….. “…… in the wake of the deadly Jan. 6 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol.” FFS! How about the RIOT at the Capitol, or the MELEE at the Capitol, or the ATTACK at the Capitol? I am so sick of “news” organizations I could spit!

  3. NMP (Not my President) Biden has already issued one of his illegal imperial decrees federalizing National Guard troops to enforce his communist style new covid orders including mask wearing, travel restrictions. While the red states will resist, all of the blue states will gladly go along with these unconstitutional use of National Guard troops to oppress us. Notice how few in the media including a lot of conservative sites have not mentioned these Wuhan flu orders. They are coming for all of us.

  4. @Janitor

    1) Make it look like they were needed and that they kept the Bad Conservatives away.
    2) To send a psyc. message to BOTH the left & right, that even if you change sides there is nothing you can do.
    3) Distraction. Without the guard there what stories would the media report on, the silence of the crowd and a celebration no one would attend anyway?

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