DeSantis Signs Bill Legalizing Death Penalty For Child Rape, Defying Supreme Court Precedent – IOTW Report

DeSantis Signs Bill Legalizing Death Penalty For Child Rape, Defying Supreme Court Precedent


Under House Bill 1297, a person 18 years of age or older who is found guilty of sexual battery against a person less than age 12 would be able to be punished with execution.

“In Florida, we stand for the protection of children,” DeSantis said at a press conference the day the law was signed. “We think that in the worst of the worst cases the only appropriate punishment is the ultimate punishment.”

State officials face a steep legal hurdle, as the U.S. Supreme Court has barred states from imposing the death penalty in child rape cases.

In 2008, the Court issued a ruling in Kennedy v. Louisiana, holding that “the Eighth Amendment prohibits the death penalty for this offense,” while calling an identical law passed by Louisiana officials “unconstitutional.”

The governor’s office said in a statement that DeSantis is “prepared to take this law all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court to overrule judicial precedents which have unjustly shielded child rapists from the death penalty and denied victims and their loved ones the opportunity to pursue ultimate justice against these most heinous criminals.”

Previously, DeSantis argued that the current Supreme Court bench with a 6-3 conservative majority may be more willing to overturn the 2008 ruling and pave the way for executions of child rapists.

Florida’s law allows the death penalty to be recommended if a 12-person jury votes for the sentencing recommendation by at least an 8-4 margin.


22 Comments on DeSantis Signs Bill Legalizing Death Penalty For Child Rape, Defying Supreme Court Precedent

  1. I know there are some who claim this will not deter rapists, which could be a topic for an interesting discussion. One thing for certain, however, is that the death penalty is 100% effective against repeat offenders. Enough said.

  2. The death penalty is effective, but only if they use it. 30-40 years on death row isn’t a deterrent.
    How many from Disney, Hollywood, Media, and Congress would already qualify for the death penalty?
    While Minnesota Moving Towards Legalizing Pedophilia. Making pedophiles a protected class.
    I bet it will be a major talking point for DeSantis’ election campaign.

  3. Some on our side have criticized RDS for things such as the Disney fight, flying to Israel to sign state legislation, and now, I’m sure some label this as grandstanding an issue for political gain.

    It is important to understand the fight we arein WRT our cultural erosion, to identify the evil culprits behind it, and to recognize and support those in power that see the fight for what it is and are willing to spearhead the opposition.

    The BLM/CRT/ANTIFA/1619 Project/Radical homosexual movement/Trans movement/Anti-traditional family values movement, they all champion an evil anti-American agenda that is designed to re-shape our values and destroy the national fabric as it is now. RDS, so far, is the only governor in the country that is fighting them at the forefront, at the school level and community level, and that is why he is public enemy number one.

    All the things we loved about Trump when he was president, loving his country, sticking up for the little guy, defending family values, protecting our civil liberties, stepping on stupid reporters with an agenda, protecting our kids and the rights of parents to decide how they are educated, all these things RDS is doing in spades in Florida. We should celebrate this and cajole our own governors to emulate this type of behavior.

  4. Being dead is the best deterrent there is. They knew this in the old West when they’d hang horse thieves. You can either keep believing that old lib horseshit that inside every criminal is a good person trying to come out, or you can simply accept the obvious fact that some people are evil and need to be put down permanently if civilization is to survive and thrive.

    We’re a dying civilization now precisely because we’ve allowed demonic assholes the run of the place for over a half century now. And the tired old lib solutions evolved into out and out woke catering to scumbags and demons.

  5. I’m not a lawyer, but the only thing about this that I question is whether or not a 19 year old that has sex with his 17 year old girlfriend could be found guilty of rape and could actually face execution over that act.

  6. Des is Bush Lite like you say, that’s why a govposter like Rich Taylor likes him. And I changed the name even though I was never pretending to be posting as Agent Taylor and he knows it, he was just doing it to get my handle banned. I would never impersonate him because impersonating a Fed is illegal, and he’s here to trap us as well as divide us.

  7. Child queers don’t change. Sexual motivations very, very seldom change. The exalted ones said that eliminating the death penalty for those who rape children would reduce the perpetrator’s incentive to kill the child once done with the rape.

    There is no evidence this is the case that has been presented to my knowledge.

    The current exalted ones are working day and night to legalize the use of children by adults for sexual gratification. Why? I believe that question answers itself.

    Millstone around the neck and toss them into the sea. If the sea is too far away just put a tire around the neck and set it on fire. That will do nicely.

  8. We don’t need a deterrent. We need punishment. Restitution where possible, but definitely punishment.

    Reform is a canard. Don’t believe it.

  9. He keeps getting knocked out mouse makes you wonder if he can function. Looks like DeSanctus never wanted to run for President & will be forever Florida Man.

  10. This guy RON DESTROY-US is being glorified all over the place. He’s nothing more than a hack for the deep swamp and backed by the likes of Jeb Bush, other swamp creatures who paraded the covid vaxx along with Phake Pharma, forcing his citizenry (May 3, 2021) to be assaulted with the poisonous vaxx while others were threatened with quarantine centers including his forced lockdowns regarding the Communist China Plague. He’s also backed by globalist billionaires and sinister establishment who are against America and who will surely cash in on those money contributions favors if he decides to run for potus. RON DESTROY-US is nothing what he appears to be and is way off.

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