Desperate Leftist Tries To Paint Trump As Infirm – IOTW Report

Desperate Leftist Tries To Paint Trump As Infirm

Trump just finished playing 18 holes, he is speaking softly as one does on a golf course. He seems sharp.

5 Comments on Desperate Leftist Tries To Paint Trump As Infirm

  1. Says the idiot in the MSM, while his hero, Brandon, has to be hopped up on Goofenthal just to be able to get up out of bed. I’m still not convinced the old bastard isn’t already dead & the puppet-masters, along with the good Doktor, are using body doubles. Why does he always look so different?

  2. DJT played 18 holes of golf in the Florida heat.
    (Biden can’t play golf without falling over on the tee.)
    Speaking quietly on the golf course because others might be playing nearby-he’s being courteous.
    (Biden always whispers)

    Granted, Trump looks different without the TV makeup and fancy suit and tie. I almost wonder if this is a deep fake. His face looks overly old. Who knows.

    All I can say is to the reporter dude…So what!


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