Desperate Planned Parenthood Hires Group To Analyze Undercover Videos – Their Conclusion? – IOTW Report

Desperate Planned Parenthood Hires Group To Analyze Undercover Videos – Their Conclusion?

The morons have the temerity to claim the videos are “highly edited” and “taken out of context.”

Okay, stupids, put the statements made by these cretins INTO CONTEXT. You’ve been hired, for lots of money, do your job.

Show us examples of statements made out of context and then put them in a context that mitigates the most horrific quotes.

Thank you.


9 Comments on Desperate Planned Parenthood Hires Group To Analyze Undercover Videos – Their Conclusion?

  1. I found a pretty fair-minded article from a Leftist on Vox, surprisingly:

    FTA: “But there are also moments that should give supporters of the women’s health provider pause — moments when officials with the group seem to haggle over fetal tissue compensation and appear to make women’s health a secondary priority.

    These are moments that do not appear any less troublesome when watched in the full video. They are not simply a product of biased editing — and, if anything, the biased editing is making them too easy for Planned Parenthood’s supporters to ignore.”

  2. The outfit hired by PP is “Fusion GPS. Here’s a quote from the Weekly Standard yesterday:

    “Just who, exactly, is behind Fusion GPS? Turns out it’s an opposition research firm with ties to the Democratic party and has a history of harassing socially conservative Republican donors, possibly on behalf of the Obama campaign”

    Of course, these folks are just your everyday “independent experts”.

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