Despicable Fauci “Covers Up” For China – IOTW Report

Despicable Fauci “Covers Up” For China

Fauci dances on the head of a pin by saying there is a difference between a “cover-up” and “not being transparent.”

He says this in defense of China not being forthcoming with providing info on Wuham Labs.

He then says he has to be careful what he says because his words will be “taken out of context.”

Personally, I think when someone says they’ve been taken out of context they are covering up, or they are not being transparent, particularly when we are listening to the FULL CONTEXT OF THEIR OPINION!!

7 Comments on Despicable Fauci “Covers Up” For China

  1. “… difference between a “cover-up” and “not being transparent.”

    A difference without a distinction.
    He’s a rotten, fucking liar.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. You can tell they are about lie by that laugh. Kamala has it bad.
    Reminds me of an old story were a guy rolls through a stop sign and gets pulled over.
    He tells the police officer, “I almost stopped”.
    At which point the policeman started beating the shit out of him and asks, “Do you want me to stop or almost stop”.

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