Despicable Left SWATs MTG Again – IOTW Report

Despicable Left SWATs MTG Again


Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene’s tormentors thought of her on the holiday. “I was just swatted. This is like the 8th time,” the Republican posted Monday on X. “On Christmas with my family here.” A series of phone calls starting last year have falsely reported crimes at Greene’s Georgia, leading to a law enforcement response, the Hill reports. In August 2022, a 911 caller said a man had been shot five times at an address that turned out to be hers.

In an interview last year with Charlie Kirk, Greene said she typically takes a gun to answer the door at her home.


11 Comments on Despicable Left SWATs MTG Again

  1. You would think the police would wake up and figure out after the 8th time that the whole thing is a setup. Taking a gun to the door will trigger most moron cops to open fire on her without thinking

  2. You know that local PD or Sheriffs office has got to be dumber than a box of rocks. I’d like to ask who’s ever in charge a few questions. Like, do you have her fing phone number jack ass?
    MTG need to invest into a security detail while a home with orders to shoot anybody that shows up on her property, badge or not. I imagine they’ll figure this crap out sooner or later.

  3. I know I am repeating, but any police force that responds in force to an anonymous call is just asking for disaster – and several giant lawsuits. If the caller won’t identify himself the police need to assume that he is LYING, and wants to harm those he is calling about. I get the idea that people want to report stuff but remain anonymous, feeling unsafe otherwise. But you don’t get to order a massive police turnout like that – and the police have to respond carefully when the only info they have is a single anonymous source.

  4. We got swatted a few years ago. We were out on the deck and they knew us so it wasn’t too bad. They found the kid but we don’t know if they did anything to him.

    You’d think in MTG’s case the local cops would call her and ask what was going on.

  5. Swat didn’t even make it to her home, phone call turned back before hand. Won’t stop her from from cry’n bout like a baby, “my grandma yuge panties are on bunch. Looks like her future 15 mins of fame is limited to swat calls & bigly cry’n.

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