Despicable – Woman Tries To Lure Unleashed Puppy Into Traffic To Be Killed – IOTW Report

Despicable – Woman Tries To Lure Unleashed Puppy Into Traffic To Be Killed

The guy who owns the dog pulls the “white entitlement” card. He lost my sympathy when he tried that.

The only innocent creature here is the puppy.

44 Comments on Despicable – Woman Tries To Lure Unleashed Puppy Into Traffic To Be Killed

  1. The funniest thing about this video is that they ALL voted for Biden! Entitled dog walkers who are so special that they are above leash laws and entited “Karens” who serve in the vounteer rulz enforcement brigade. It’s been said that broken people have a knack for finding each other and this video proves it.

    (Why would you walk a dog near a busy street without its leash on?)

  2. Weird. I had a dream last night where my dog ran with a bunch of other dogs onto the highway. A bunch of people got together to block traffic and retrieve the dogs. As my dreams are weird, all the dog owners were told to wait for their dogs to be returned to them. All the dogs came back. Except mine. That lead me on a wild chase in strange areas trying to locate my dog that never showed up, then I woke up. I’ve been on antibiotics and have been intense dreaming every night for the past week… I don’t know if antibiotics do this as a side effect or if it’s a coincidence, but damn it’s draining, I wake up feeling exhausted.

  3. @ecp – it’s the antibiotics. Don’t freak out about the dream. Dreams do mean things, but when you’re taking something that affects the dreams, don’t take it too seriously.

  4. The feminist movement created millions of women like this. They bought into the idea that men were only worth hating and they ended up lonely and hating themselves. Now, they have nothing better to do than creating havoc for society. The victim movement is doing the same to blacks and nothing good is going to come from it. We are in for a hell of a ride, folks!

  5. Democrats being Democrats to other Democrats.

    It should be funny, but the reason itā€™s not is because Democrats get sick of putting up with other Democrats crap, then they move out where there are less Democrats, then start voting Democrat THERE, and the cycle repeats as the cancer metastatizesā€¦

  6. Stupidy on steroids. She a lot more than the guy who didn’t leash his dog. She triggered the whole incident instead of minding her own stupid business, whatever that may be.

  7. I have been bird dog lover over 70 years. have had many the last 60 years. cry each time I lose one.

    Had I been there she would need a tube to eat! She is clearly NO LADY1 I do not hit ladies; I only smack my britches when they misbehave. It would be an insult to my departed Angel to call that – , a bitch! Angel’s 30 years gone but I still think fondly of her. That — I want to hurt.

  8. @Fur – “…The guy who owns the dog pulls the ā€œwhite entitlementā€ card…”

    If I heard the video correctly, I think that comment was referring to Karen. If you listen to the owner’s comment at the beginning of the clip, he asks Karen “which country should I go back to…say it Karen, which country should I go back to?…”

    My take is that he was trying to get her to say Africa. And the “white entitlement” referred to her. Yes? No?

  9. stirrin — I think that is what Fur was saying, that he accused her of being white and behaving as though she has a right to but her nose in his black business.

    He didn’t sound black. Is there another rule if you don’t actually sound black? Their rulz are too confusing for me!LOL!!

  10. …and he was using the black card AND trying to call her bluff with the white card. Hysterical!

    Can you imagine a life without Jesus? Well, there it is, right there!

  11. Larrytheenlightenedliberal July 10, 2021 at 3:09 pm

    “…I love killing puppies…”

    So do rapists and domestic abusers. Thanks for identifying yourself.

  12. Wow.

    I actually witnessed another driver hit a chihuahua-mix yesterday morning. 6 lane divided street in Dallas and this happened in the slow lane by the curb.

    It was hard to witness. The dog was motionless in my rear-view mirror. That driver had been very aggressive and was passing me on the right above the speed limit.

    He/she could not avoid it as the dog ran out in front with only 10 feet, or so, to spare with HARD braking, but it was too close.

    That driver stopped trying to make time and pulled over to the next turn lane to go back. I prayed for his/her peace. Obviously cared about what happened.

    Only a leftist doesn’t care about helpless victims of their actions.

    It would be hard to not smack this woman into next week.

  13. This is what happens when the pharmacy closes early.
    This “Karen” must be absolutely exhausted at the end of each day. Carrying all of that moral superiority around is tiring.

  14. It would be fun to follow that Karen around with one of those long leather horsewhips and snap it on the pavement around her feet without actually hitting her. Her bowels would empty out pretty quick.

  15. Basically an urban problem.
    Rat-people are so crammed together they can’t leave each other alone.
    All the people in this video are living wasted, meaningless existences (if they have nothing better to do than stand on the curb arguing about stupid shit).

    Pray for them – and pray for us.

    izlamo delenda est …


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