Despite fighting Trump on illegal immigration, Calif. gov admits lawsuits probably won’t stop border wall – IOTW Report

Despite fighting Trump on illegal immigration, Calif. gov admits lawsuits probably won’t stop border wall

BPR: Under Gov. Jerry Brown, California has emerged as the state most determined to oppose the Trump administration’s immigration and border security policies.

A bill under consideration in the statehouse would make California the first “sanctuary state” in the nation, preventing state, county and municipal officials from cooperating with federal immigration agents trying to carry out detention and removal operations.

Earlier in March, two separate laws were proposed–one by San Francisco city supervisors and another by a Democratic state assemblyman–that would cut ties with any company that contracts to build the border wall ordered by President Donald Trump.

To drive the point home, Brown told “Meet The Press” host Chuck Todd on Sunday that California would “fight very hard” to challenge the Trump administration on its efforts to crack down on illegal immigration. When it comes to a legal fight against building a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border, however, Brown admitted his state has limited options.

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15 Comments on Despite fighting Trump on illegal immigration, Calif. gov admits lawsuits probably won’t stop border wall

  1. The California Hispanic Socialist Party that currently controls our state is threatening any private contractor that is thinking on bidding on any part of the wall. These are privately held companies and the assholes are threatening their Pension Plans of all things. Probably because they’d like to get their hands on that money and evenly distribute it to everyone in Mexico.

  2. Build the wall along the Arizona-Mexico border, then, when you hit California, turn north and build the wall along the Arizona-California border. Turn west again at the Oregon-California border and head to the Pacific.

  3. MadJack

    Interestingly enough, if you research most the elected asshole in this state, they didn’t come from here. It’s only fair that we send them back from where they came from. Lets start with Pelosi. Please Baltimore come pick up your trash.

  4. Let California become a sanctuary state, then cut off ALL Federal funding for any and all purposes. See how long that state lasts. The top 1% pay 45% of California’s income taxes and 40% of Californians don’t pay anything at all. With the proposal to make state schools tuition free, California is circling the drain, and spinning faster every day.

  5. The biggest threat to the border wall is the GOP itself. Brown doesn’t have to do anything other than sit back and watch Schmuck Schumer threaten RINOs. They are already crumbling, worried about what is being said about them when they should be worried about the anger of the voters that put them in office to begin with.

    It’s too bad the red counties in California can’t build a wall between them and the liberal part of the state.

  6. Well, yeah, because CA is so flush with high taxes they can afford every kind of frivolous lawsuit. Every time I read a story like this I feel such an impotent rage against these a$$holes who make their livings off he backs of us hardworking, thrifty tax mules.

  7. So he knows lawsuits are expensive and will not work. Stop your liberal posturing peacock and virtue signaling display and stop wasting my taxes.

    Incompetent crazy moron. In other words, a Democrat.

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