Despite pledge, Obama endorses pro-gun Strickland for Senate – IOTW Report

Despite pledge, Obama endorses pro-gun Strickland for Senate

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WT: President Obama endorsed fellow Democrat Ted Strickland of Ohio Wednesday in his bid for the U.S. Senate, despite the candidate’s past A-plus rating by the National Rifle Association and the president’s pledge not to endorse pro-gun Democrats.

“Ohioans have no greater friend than Ted Strickland,” Mr. Obama said in a statement about the former Ohio governor. “Ted is a passionate and proven champion for the middle class, and when Ohio sends him to the United States Senate, he will continue to be a tireless fighter for hardworking families.

The president’s endorsement drew a sharp reaction from the campaign of Cincinnati Councilman P.G. Sittenfeld, an opponent of Mr. Strickland who has been making an issue of his support for gun rights. Vice President Joseph R. Biden also endorsed Mr. Strickland.


7 Comments on Despite pledge, Obama endorses pro-gun Strickland for Senate

  1. Sorry Mork,it was Gov. Boob Taft the Daft (R) who signed Ohio’s CCW law after he demanded a crap load of amendments. Boob never thought the bill would cross his desk but it did. He had no choice but to sign due the pre-election promises he made and the heat he was under. My husband and I were 2 of people chosen to testify on behalf of the bill.

    John Kasich signed the restaurant and car carry provisions to fix some of the ridiculous mess Daft Taft demanded.

    As for Strickland, having worked for him he is a lying POS. He gave the orders to his minion Helen Jones-Kelly, ex-Director of Job and Family Services, to start an illegal investigation of ‘Joe the Plumber’. I could go on all day about what a snake he is.

    when you get a chance.

  2. Eugenia, I stand corrected. I was thinking Strickland actually signed the bill because I couldn’t imagine worthless Bob Taft signing it. Yes, I understand Strickland was an asshole on a personal basis–I’ve heard that from several people who were in a better position to know than I. But the fact that he didn’t try any gun control bullshit during his term as governor (that I can remember) is still his ticket out of the lowest depths of Hell.

  3. Mork you’re right. That is one thing in his favor that he didn’t try to repeal or limit gun rights. I don’t remember there being a peep out of him about ccw.

    I always wonder if some of it had to with the trouble Toby Hoover of Ohio Coalition Against Gun Violence was facing. Serious inquiries were being made into her use of money donated to the organization and having a fake office front. The organization was foundering and unable to prod or help Strickland. Toby herself lived in a heavily gated community with armed security. Imagine that.

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