Despite S.E.Cupp’s and Glenn Beck’s “Neville Chamberlain” Assurances – Conservatives Are Being Targeted By FB – IOTW Report

Despite S.E.Cupp’s and Glenn Beck’s “Neville Chamberlain” Assurances – Conservatives Are Being Targeted By FB


I know – you’re shocked right?  Even though Glenn Beck said everything over at Facebook was hunky dory and S.E. Cupp assured us that she was feeling the love over at Facebook, Zuckerberg and Co. banned more conservatives.  On Wednesday they hit me with a 1 week block for attempting to share a post in which I criticized their censorship and speculated about the motives behind the Zuckerberg-Beck lovefest.  (Smooth, guys, real smooth.  Way to keep your motives hidden.)  Then Friday, they banned all of the administrators of the “Disdain For Plebs” page – a page with 176,000 likes.  I guess that’s Facebook’s way of showing their, um, disdain for plebs.

They also deleted a post mocking Facebook for saying they aren’t censoring conservatives.  Again, super-smooth guys.  Will S.E. Cupp or Glenn Beck or anyone else at the meeting say anything?


12 Comments on Despite S.E.Cupp’s and Glenn Beck’s “Neville Chamberlain” Assurances – Conservatives Are Being Targeted By FB

  1. I’ve read that Cheetos Man was such a suck up at this “conservative” meeting that had there been some knee pads available, he and Brent Bozo would have taken turns gobbling Zuck’s joint.

    I expect “Glenn Beck Crazy” behavior from Beck, but Bozell? I know he hates Trump and I’ve even continued reading at his site, but he’s been infected too I guess.

  2. I continue to get posts from Pamela Gellar which I in turn immediately share. The minute she is blocked is the day I delete my account. Zuckerberg is a sell out Jew who shames me and Glenn Beck is no longer a representative of a conservatives. I don’t get my news from Facebook…..I get it from this site and others like it.

  3. Im so tired of those three. And Beck must have a sweet ass deal with facebook for advertising or he owns stock. The next time a Consevative runs for any office and Beck says he wants to help, i hope they tell him, ” only if you lick envelopes and keep your mouth shut!’

  4. Ace mentioned this meeting

    Wow: Tucker Carlson Rips The Bark Off Glenn Beck — “It Was Like He Was Auditioning to be Zuckerberg’s Manservant”

    links in AoS post to Rush Limbaugh’s and Politico’s accounts of the knob gobbling that went on:

    “I went to that meeting expecting Beck to cry, rend his garments while quoting James Madison, but that’s not at all what happened. He began the most extended assiduous suck-up I think I’ve ever seen a grown man commit. He acted like he was auditioning to be Mark Zuckerberg’s manservant — it was awe-inspiring,’ Carlson said. “I don’t know what his agenda is; it’s either he’s looking to put his tanking Web properties up for sale or he just can’t help himself. There’s a billionaire there, so he sniffs the throne.”

  5. FB? News? You’re joking, right?
    I only have an account to keep up with far flung family.
    I get news from AmericanThinker, TownHall, IOTW, ThisAintHell, SipseyStreetIrregulars (under new management), TheFeralIrishman, WesternRifleShooters, and a few others as they pop up from time to time.
    Notice any sources of information (not necessarily news) not listed?

  6. Always wondered why beck hired se cupp she is a dem for sure. And these yahoos could care less about our views. They are there to ratchet up the anti trump posts. Fu** both of them.

  7. Beck.



    *mumbles quietly, feverishly sketching alphabetic permutations*




    *shakes head, erases*




  8. The moment Zuckerberg chose those “conservatives” he’d meet with I figured it would mostly be a load of bs designed to calm the users with conservative leanings. Facebook really isn’t a huge money maker and it wouldn’t take much to bring it down. Anything that rises that fast can go down even faster.

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