Details of a conference call regarding fraud in Nevada with former Nevada AG Adam Laxalt – IOTW Report

Details of a conference call regarding fraud in Nevada with former Nevada AG Adam Laxalt

Via Brown-Eyed Girl

Voter Fraud Update Call with Adam Laxalt

Our only focus is Nevada.  We have been distinct in our approach and have had a unique path on how we’ve treated it.  We knew very early on, with two Democrat houses and the governor, that the rules would be changed and they were.  Ninety days ago they changed the voting rules and it created a very unsafe election situation.  And they’re allowed to do this.  Nevada is different in the sense that we didn’t have the ability to go after certain parts of the law.  In other states, the law said that every ballot must be in by 8 p.m. on election night but federal judges extended it.  They are fighting in those states to return to state law.  Our law changed the past 8 p.m. rule and lowered the threshold for signatures.  We already have the most liberal voting laws on the books in America.  We concentrated on election contests with our lawsuit.  Ours is a statutory election contest.  We follow the exact law that says after canvassing, you can file a full election contest and the judge can allow some discovery and grant a hearing.  Too many illegal votes were counted, no judge intervened, and now we’re concentrating on our end game which is to contest the election. We are gathering evidence and building a case and prepping for the filing, which we did last Tuesday.  We allege several different types of voter fraud.  There was a hearing yesterday and the judge granted us 15 depositions.  That will be enough for us to depose the people we need to finish this.  The actual hearing will start at 1:30 on December 3.  This is our public shot to put forward the evidence to contest the election.

If we didn’t fight to get this into the public eye right now, we never would.  Press language is changing somewhat from “zero fraud” to “some fraud”.  Our argument is that there have already been 650k signatures on the mail-in ballots and we will never know how many of them are bad.  In New York, nearly 30k ballots were thrown out because of fraud.  The range is wide in Nevada but we don’t really know how wide.

Of the categories we’re concentrating on, we have proof of fraud in many different areas.  We’ve done this our way.  Our approach was never to stop the certification.  It was to contest the election and the best way to do that is to bring forward solid examples of voter fraud.  We do not want a recount.  With a recount, they simply take the same ballots and run them back through so bad votes are still recounted.  We were never going after certification.  We want to get the fraud case to the court, depose people, and have our case heard.  Judge Russell, who was appointed to hear the case on December 3, has the reputation of being a fair judge and that’s what we want. 

This was a pandemic measure, so the Nevada State Legislature will have to go back next session and approve permanent changes through legislation.  We must press forward with our argument that Nevada will never again support mail-in ballots.  Nevada was not ready to conduct a mail-in ballot process.

Will Judge Russell make findings and issue a ruling as to whether or not it was fraud?  During the live hearing each side will get one hour.  All other evidence will be submitted to the court by December 2.  The judge is very aware of the timing and will probably rule on our case within 24 hours.  There has to be time for appeals to the SC because of the need for a decision on the presidency by December 8.  If Nevada is not the deciding factor in this then that is good.  Judges don’t want to be the one to flip a presidential election.  Our understanding is that he will rule within 24 hours.  All indications are that he will treat this like a regular hearing.  There will be a written finding within 24 hours that will be appealed by someone to the Supreme Court.  There is no institutional process for overseeing or reviewing elections and the only remedy is with the courts.

People are still going after mail-in ballots in other states.  To us, this has always been about mail-in ballots.  Whether they make the case in the other states remains to be seen.  We still have not seen a single mail-in ballot signature.  650,000 mail-in votes and we have not been able to look at an envelope and the voter file to see if it matches.  We seek remedy through the court to see these signatures. 

This was the observation process: four chairs down the center aisle of a classroom while signatures are being matched to the right or the left.  When you’re sitting In the chair, you cannot physically watch a single signature match.  That isn’t real observation.  There is no way anyone can stand behind the reviewer and give a thumbs up or thumbs down.

How many signatures were disallowed by the machine?  In Clark County, the whole system ended up rejecting only 0.4% of 500k ballots.  That was probably the lowest rejection percentage in the state.  The rejection rate for absentee ballots is typically 3%.  Our percentage was less than 1%. 

He would not comment on Sidney Powell, saying he was concentrating only on Nevada’s lawsuit and did not want to become involved in any other issues.

1 Comment on Details of a conference call regarding fraud in Nevada with former Nevada AG Adam Laxalt

  1. ” In Clark County, the whole system ended up rejecting only 0.4% of 500k ballots.”


    1/2 of the union employees cannot or can barely speak English and you’re going to tell me there were hardly any messed up ballots? Please!


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