Detestable CNN Runs Cynical, Contrarian Hit Piece Against Mother’s Day – IOTW Report

Detestable CNN Runs Cynical, Contrarian Hit Piece Against Mother’s Day

Blaring headline-

The woman who invented Mother’s Day came to hate it. – CNN

What a collection of cretins.

Sure, CNN rides that fence, framing the post so they can have tenuous plausible deniability that they were simply “profiling a crank.”

Meanwhile, it’s an overt shot at capitalism and commercialism, two things they are knee deep in, but somehow it’s terrible if mothers have a “commercial” day. It’s okay for CNN to endlessly promote “Breaking News” for a downed airliner, sucking on the teet of that pain and misery well past its expiration date in hope of ratings.


(CNN) Mother’s Day means big business for retailers. This year is no different — shoppers will spend an average of $180 per mom.

If you hate all of the commercialization behind the day that celebrates moms, imagine how Anna Jarvis would feel now.
The holiday’s founder worked so hard to get the world to give moms everywhere a shoutout. But before her death, even she had to admit she had some regrets about starting Mother’s Day.
If she were alive now, she’d probably be living her worst nightmare.
In 1914, President Woodrow Wilson signed a bill recognizing Jarvis’ Mother’s Day as a national holiday.
Jarvis died in a sanitarium in 1948. The holiday she created lives on.
And along comes CNN to make sure they influence some people to become anti-family, anti-mother, anti-NORMALCY.
They would gleefully promote National Transgender Mother’s Day, whatever the hell that would be.


8 Comments on Detestable CNN Runs Cynical, Contrarian Hit Piece Against Mother’s Day

  1. Just make it, Married Stay-at-Home Mother’s Day. Fight!
    But really, all loving mother’s deserve it. Every day should be mother’s day.

  2. John Mc Dermott sings Mother Machree.

    “There’s a spot in my heart which no coleen may own,
    there’s a dept in my soul, never sounded ‘nor known.
    There’s a place in my memory, my life long, and still,
    no one ever claimed it, no one ever will.
    “Sure I love the dear silver that shines in your hair
    And the brow that’s all furrowed and wrinkled with care.
    I kiss those dear fingers so toil worn for me,
    Oh God Bless you and keep you Mother Machree.”

    Happy Mother’s Day to all at IOTW. Listen to the song by John McDermott. You’ll love it.


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