Devastated Neighborhood in Bahamas – IOTW Report

Devastated Neighborhood in Bahamas

This was taken while in the eye. This person was about to experience round two.

(click on date below video if you can’t run footage)

21 Comments on Devastated Neighborhood in Bahamas

  1. A hurricane can be created and activated wherever it is wanted. The technological capabilities of the US Military are extremely advanced. Killing people is acceptable along with destroying a livable environment. Causing suffering is the ultimate goal of warfare. Proud of the Military ghouls doing this?

    NASA Satellite Images Prove Hurricanes Are Man-Made
    September 10, 2017 Sean Adl-Tabatabai News, US
    “Yesterday, we published an article in which world renowned physicist Dr. Michio Kaku claimed that ‘man-made’ hurricanes are the result of a government weather modification program in which the skies are sprayed with nano particles and storms then “activated” through the use of “lasers”.”

    Obama’s October Surprise – Creating and Steering Hurricane Sandy
    November 6, 2012
    “On August 11, 2010 NASA announced that it was less than 2 weeks away from initiating Project GRIP (Genesis and Rapid Intensification Processes) – their quest for the holy grail of hurricane research. Project GRIP discovered the exact conditions required to kickstart a tropical depression into a hurricane. Scientists already knew how hurricanes develop and how to steer them but NASA wanted to perfect the processes that intensifies depressions to form into very intense, spinning storms of mass destruction. NASA was creating a weather modification weapon of mass destruction.”

    “NASA used various weather modifying technology to develop, intensify and steer a hurricane. The available technology included a powerful microwave radiometer and a “radar” and a NASA-designed and built lidar (laser radar). The laser radar were mounted on a Global Hawks and were used to heat the top of a hurricane – to weaken a hurricane and steer them. The “radar” that NASA used was the Sea-Based X-Band Radar – a floating, self-propelled, military controlled and operated mobile radar station capable of operating in high winds and heavy seas. The Sea-Based X-Band Radar Platform (SBX) is part of the U.S. Defense Department Ballistic Missile Defense System.”

  2. at 8:46 PM
    “The laser radar were mounted on a Global Hawks and were used to heat the top of a hurricane. . .”

    It’s called painting and an RQ-4 or 12 do not carry enough paint.

  3. Exposing lies means getting at truth. When truth is being examined using facts, disinformation becomes essential. Cat 5 destroys everything–flat and gone, nothing left. Know the reality of what real force does.

    “Dorian scored a direct hit here. And the damage is typical of a strong cat 1. No hurricane is play time, cat 1’s do significant damage. Note in the video:
    There are many houses TOTALLY UNHURT, not even missing shingles. There are lots of houses missing shingles. There are a couple that got wrecked. Those probably had termite damage. It is obvious 90+ mph winds hit, but it is also obvious those winds were NOT 185 mph as stated.

    The Bahamas have CAT 1 DAMAGE after taking a direct hit from “cat 5” Dorian
    Except for where the ocean did the damage, houses in perfect line of wind are still standing, missing only their shingles. That’s cat 1 damage.

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