Keep posting this on social media. Force libjerks to watch this.
America is wayyyyyyyyy down the list on murders per 100,000 people, and that’s even after including liberal sh!tholes like Detroit, Maryland, Chicago and Oakland. If the entire United States were like the conservative, nutty, “gun culture” corridors we’d be nearly last in the world in homicides.
We don’t have a gun problem in America. The problem is something else, something people do not want to say out loud.
ht/ bayouwulf
I heard good stat today the left liked to throw around. Especially our retarded president. “37 % of vendors at gun shows are not properly licensed FFLs”. He’s right. But that’s because they’re not selling guns. They’re sell pepper spray, knives, holsters, popcorn, etc. What an ass.
Another statistic that would be worth running the numbers on is: the number of murders per weapon. We would be way low on that.
Hey Joe, Here’s one for you. Average number of rounds fired by a CCW in a defensive situation. 2. Average number of shots fired by LEO in a defensive situation. 15.
Now in all honesty that might not be a fair stat. Unless you live in Stockton Ca.
Maybe it’s because we pay for our own bullets.
Remove the liberal shithole cities from the US tally sheet and we fall even more in the standings.
Eradicate liberalism.
I drove to Reno from Sac today meeting with gunshops. I saw two bad traffic accidents that I’m almost certain fatalities where involved. I saw no one that was shot today.
Hmmmm, so liberal run cities have high murder by gun rates. I wonder what America’s murder rate would be if inner city, welfare sucking, EBT carrying,drug selling black people were removed from the equation. Oh, I’m sorry, we aren’t allowed to discuss that.
…and out of the 73% of gun show vendors, 100% are conducting background checks before they sell a firearm to a patron.
The “gun show loophole” is bullshit – which of course is what the entire liberal left’s content of thinking amounts too on a good day; bullshit.
Prius’s will head into oncoming traffic if they sense your heart isn’t right for the cause….
Those cities that Bill listed in America have another thing going for them besides being run by Libtards. They have a high number of
Blacks as in Blacklivesmatter.
Always remember, facts are the worst enemy of the Politically-Correct Left pushing an agenda!
Nope, ridicule is first, they understand being made fun of.
Math and facts is hard.
I see #3 on the per capita murder rate per 100,000 is the US Virgin Islands. Having sailed all over the Carib, I can tell you that if you take out St Thomas and St Johns, it’ll still be #3 because of St Croix.
Have you ever gone somewhere and almost immediately realized, uh-oh, this is a mistake? St Croix, which is populated by nubians and has the (mis)fortune of having a rum distillery on the island(you can get a 1/5 for $2) is the biggest shithole I’ve ever been in.
My hotel was patrolled by armed guards, home invasions are the national past time, nighttime travel was HIGHLY frowned upon, cruise ship visits have pretty much stopped and in all of my time spent in the Carib, this was the only time where there was virtually no interaction with the natives.
Compare St Croix to any of the BVI, like Road town on Tortola where I could walk around in the middle of the night, unarmed mind you, and felt fine.
Thank you, Mr Whittle.
And Mr. Whittle managed to make his point without even mentioning immigration or race.
Violent crime is on the rise in the USA after decades of decline at the same time there is an explosion of uncontrolled immigration from the third world. No connection there at all. Accept a lot of immigrants from all those places that have astronomical murder rates and it is totally predictable that our own murder rate rises. it is basic math. It’s not the geography that is killing people. It’s the murderous people who are killing people.
Excellent comment Joe!!
Excellent comments that hit the nail on the head!
How sad for this once strong, God-fearing Nation to have been overcome with such a bunch of non-caring, supposedly college educated, I only-care-about-my wants, up-yours, I know what’s best for everybody, pussified, attitudes!
God help us!
This is what the Libjerks watch, and believe:
I have an idea that libjerks will love! Let’s start a group called “Planned Gunman” We will open hundreds of stores, hand out pamphlets about gun safety by the hundreds, check trigger fingers for twitchyness, teach people how to properly work gun safety switches, educate folks on proper ammo loading and a host of other arms related items. We then ask for taxpayer money, say $500,000,000 a year or so, and help promote gun saftey around the country!
Now occasionally, only when absolutely necessary, we might, just maybe, have to sell somebody a gun that is desperate for protection and has no other options. Of course, that would only account for 3% of all the things we provide, and that money we get from the feds will not be used in any way shape or form to push gun sales…trust me!
I could go along with a law that would keep that particular fumble-fingered idiot from owning a gun – he can’t even sit down without almost knocking his coffee cup over, so how would you like to be next to him on the firing range? I was also going to suggest a law to keep him from reproducing, but on second thought I don’t think it would be necessary.