Devin Nunes Announces Lawsuit Against McClatchy News Group – IOTW Report

Devin Nunes Announces Lawsuit Against McClatchy News Group

CTH: Ranking member of the HPSCI Devin Nunes appears on Fox News to announce a $150 million lawsuit against the McClatchy News Group for their part in a conspiracy to derail and manipulate the Clinton and Russia probes.

It’s always important to remember when Nunes was Chairman of the HPSCI he successfully won a lawsuit against Fusion-GPS to gain access to their bank records.  MORE

6 Comments on Devin Nunes Announces Lawsuit Against McClatchy News Group

  1. I hope he sues them through the floor. Despicable doesn’t even come close, but it is as close a word as I can come up with that encapsulates the essence of this McClatchy outfit.

  2. Americans better wake up soon and start looking around to see just who is aiding directly and indirectly those who want to see America go belly up. They’re more than meets the eye.

  3. He needs to sue them for twice what they are worth, so even with a settlement he bankrupts them so they cannot re-organize under a bankruptcy chapter & destroys their operation.


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