Devin Nunes Discusses IG Horowitz, Subpoenas, FISA Abuse, Oversight and Impeachment – IOTW Report

Devin Nunes Discusses IG Horowitz, Subpoenas, FISA Abuse, Oversight and Impeachment

CTH – – – House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI) Chairman Devin Nunes appears on Fox News to discuss the ongoing investigations into the FBI and DOJ along with the numerous tentacles that have surfaced in the last several months.

Remember, less than 10% of the American public have any idea the scale and scope of the Obama administration using the intelligence community to conduct surveillance of the Trump campaign… including the FISA(702) abuse and the manipulations within the FISA Title-1 surveillance application(s).

Additionally, to add a little context to the latest IG announcement of an investigation into FISA Court abuse by the DOJ and FBI, remember it was only a few short months ago when the institutional media were labeling any discussion therein as “conspiracy theory.”  more here

2 Comments on Devin Nunes Discusses IG Horowitz, Subpoenas, FISA Abuse, Oversight and Impeachment

  1. One thing our side has to be careful of. Horowitz is a democrat and we can’t allow him to put so much on his plate that it causes any more delays in releasing what he has so far. I remember January 15 was a date initially discussed for release. Worst case scenario, he withholds release until after the midterms.


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