Devin Nunes Will Get 8 FBI Witnesses This Month, Including Bill Priestap – IOTW Report

Devin Nunes Will Get 8 FBI Witnesses This Month, Including Bill Priestap

Conservative Treehouse;

…”Ever watch those nature documentaries on the cable?”  Yeah.  “See the one about lions?”…

Today we get details about the DOJ deal with Chairman Devin Nunes. Included in the report from Catherine Herridge there is some really good news:

According to the letter, committee investigators also will get access to eight key witnesses this month including FBI agent Peter Strzok and FBI lawyer Lisa Page, who exchanged anti-Trump text messages during an affair and previously worked on the special counsel’s Russia probe; FBI general counsel James Baker, who was reassigned; FBI head of counterintelligence Bill Priestap, whom ex-FBI boss James Comey testified made the decision not to brief Congress about the Russia case during last year’s election; and Bruce Ohr, a DOJ official reassigned after concealing meetings with figures involved in the dossier.

That’s right. For the first time the ‘one who shall not be named‘ is going to have to face questioning from congress. Bill Priestap is the FBI head of counterintelligence who has been conspicuously absent from all previous conversations. All research, including prior testimony from FBI Director James Comey (March 20th, 2017), indicates Priestap is at the epicenter of the 2016 counterintelligence operation against the Trump campaign.  read more

14 Comments on Devin Nunes Will Get 8 FBI Witnesses This Month, Including Bill Priestap

  1. Deep State Playing Cards! freak’n brilliant I love the idea.
    Best idea of new year goes to Thirdwin.
    We should come up with a list and sell the cards to raise money for BFH.

  2. Justice delayed is justice denied. Must I live to 100 in order to see ANY of these blatant criminals prosecuted?

    Lerner, obama, Comey, Menendez, Holder, Clinton(s), Huma, Jerry Brown….. will all die of old age of heart disease from living high on the hog sucking on Uncle Sam’s big old teats.

  3. @Mark Matis January 5, 2018 at 10:36 am

    What a waste of innocent — or, at least, devoid of demonstrable intent — trees. We’ve already got enough lampposts for every member, of every motorcade, that passes by, everywhere.

  4. Tim is probably right. They’ll all plead the fifth and the media will say the whole investigation’s a “Witch Hunt”. PBS and all the news channels will run McCarthy documentaries.

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