Devine: Jill Biden’s delusional if she believes she can save her husband, the country after debate debacle – IOTW Report

Devine: Jill Biden’s delusional if she believes she can save her husband, the country after debate debacle


In the aftermath of Joe Biden’s debate debacle, there is one constant: Dr. Jill’s delusional self-belief that she can save the day. 

Under the thrall of her Rasputin-like adviser Anthony Bernal, the first lady is acting as if she is the candidate — at the expense of her husband and the country. 

She is the keeper of Biden delusions.

“Joe, you did such a great job,” she shrieked after commandeering the microphone at the debate after-party in Atlanta, as her downcast husband stood on stage gaping at her uncomprehendingly.

“You answered every question!” she gushed in a gratingly patronizing tone, like a nursery schoolteacher who hates kids. 

The whole world knew he did a terrible job. Even Joe knew.  more

28 Comments on Devine: Jill Biden’s delusional if she believes she can save her husband, the country after debate debacle

  1. “You answered every question!” she gushed. What? He’s the freakin POTUS. Why wouldn’t he answer every freaking question.

    Talk about low expectations.

  2. His remarks today on the SCOTUS decision regarding Presidential Immunity: proves he’s just a bitter, angry, wannabe respected and honored old politician, who has failed miserably.

    Go away Pinocchio Joe and Jiminy Jill!

  3. If Joe Isuzu and Richard Nixon had a love child, it would look like Anthony Bernal. He’s a greasy hired gun for the Creep State in its battle with the Deep State.

  4. Joe got 81 million votes last time. No doubt, to stop King Trump and to save democracy, he’ll double that number! 🤣

    Don’t go Joe! <— why aren’t they chanting that outside of the White House?!?

  5. The #Dems/#Liberals/#Media say #Trump, if elected, will never leave the White House.
    It’s ironic that it’s really #JoeBiden who will not leave the White House!

  6. ^^^^^^
    Project, project, project. That’s all they have. But it’s run it’s course. Speaken of running their course, where are our trolls lately? I miss bitch slapping them.

  7. Just when you think the Biden fable couldn’t get worse, another shrill harridan is discovered….Who of course is stumbling along with her demented husband

  8. The hardest requirement I have found as an aspiring Catholic is the requirement to love and forgive my enemies and pray for their self imperiled souls.

    That is a real doozy for me as I regard these “people” as
    absolutely dedicated Luciferians.

    It shows by their fruits. Pestilence, poisonous, viperous, haters of God.

    As much as we hate to admit Jesus
    sacrificed himself for them as
    much as us. In fact, I would argue the scriptures and the New
    Testament augur that it’s for them even more so.

    Regardless while our souls are not as jeopardized we must
    diligently love and pray for our enemies as their own satanic
    actions are leading them straight to hell.

    At this point I believe that the
    current “resident” is getting
    very close and is at the stage
    where he is having active visions of hell. You can see it in his panic stricken face.

    My father was a good, honorable, holy man so he did not have visions of Demins but when his dementia became active he saw people. We had to take away his guns because ge insisted intruders were in the house.

    Dementia is not a joke, and no matter how many million dollar cocktails they infuse him with he is just about gone now.

    No matter how much this evil, evil woman tries to prop him up she will fail.

    His demons are taunting him overtly.

  9. Did you see her get off the plane with that God-awful dress with the blue butterflies on it? My aunt had a slip cover for her couch that looked like that.

  10. @mr_pinko

    It’s not Trump or Biden who’ll never leave the WH, it’s that goddam gay ghost in the West Wing closet. And it’s not even really him, is it? It’s ValJar, the dog which hasn’t barked in four years. You’d think the media—any of them, state or alternative—would be a little curious, but nothing. If she’d died from a paddle-board accident or ass cancer, we’d at least get an obituary. What’s up with the deep cover?

  11. Let her kick and fuss as the lid of the dumpster drops onto these assholes’ heads. The world will never get the last 4 years back, and there is so much to repair and redo in their wake!

  12. Cisco Kid,
    you are an exceptionally good person to consider all these things.
    BUT, forgiveness is only due to those who REPENT and are CONTRITE for their trespasses.

    Do you see any contrition? When they screech about their Right to exterminate the innocent unborn? When they plot to STEAL from people to give to those they use for their political aims? When they choose to WAGE WAR merely for profit, or for political cover?!

    I see NO reason to forgive those who lie, deliberately, consistently and constantly!!!!!!
    “Judge them by what they do.”

  13. Cisco Kid, when my mom had Sundowners syndrome, late at night and generally in the very early morning hours the demons came out to play and drove her bat shit crazy. One night she kept obsessing over an orange trying to find it and seeing her younger brother my Uncle Jim. It got so bad that that I had to pray out loud for the demons to flee her in Jesus’s name and she immediately calmed down and was sane for the rest of the night. My dad and I never knew what she was going to do, it was never a dull moment in taking care of her. I had to constantly try to sleep with one eye open and be aware when she quietly moved around in the middle night aimlessly getting into things or hiding the cat food where only she alone knew where the cat food was, I did eventually find it hidden in the back of a closet inside a large metal popcorn tin. You are also right joey seems to be possessed by a demonic spirit which can only be removed by prayer. I found myself last night praying that joey would be confronted by the living God and repent of his sins lest he perish and take America down with him. My prayer is that he realizes that needs God to restore him because nothing else will save him. None of this I take lightly anymore, we are in the midst of a spiritual war for the soul of America as it was founded by Judeo-Christian principals and our Founding Fathers nearly 250 years after we declared our independence from England on July 4th., 1776. May God continue to bless America and put an end to the evil of the democraps, RINO’s, the creep state and joe biden, amen.

  14. Don’t get forgiveness mixed up with they need to be stopped and put in prison or they will put a boot on our necks then shoot all of us.
    It’s who they are.


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