Devon Archer in Hiding -The Left Making Death Threats – IOTW Report

Devon Archer in Hiding -The Left Making Death Threats

He will, however, blow the lid off the Bidens and testify next week that they are crooked shakedown artists who threatened national security.

Speaker McCarthy has promised that the info they have already been told will lead to straight to the “big guy.”


A source close to Archer confirmed reports that he is set to testify about meetings he attended with his and Hunter’s foreign business partners, where the First Son allegedly had Joe Biden on speakerphone.

The source added that Hunter’s former Rosemont Seneca consultancy partner has been concerned for his and his family’s safety in the days after his planned testimony was announced.

‘There were reports that he was canceling his appearance. They’re not true, he’s not canceling. But he has gotten threats, and he’s concerned about the threats,’ the source said.

‘His family has received threats. He doesn’t know who from. But you don’t have to be Dick Tracy to figure that out.’

The source said Archer told them about Joe’s alleged direct involvement in their foreign business meetings while he was Vice President.

‘Every time they would be wooing clients, in Romania or some other place like that, Devon said, they would always set up a dinner with a round table of four or five companies they were trying to solicit business from,’ the friend told

‘All of these people would be well aware of the fact that Hunter Biden is Joe Biden’s son, and that potentially he could exercise influence.

‘But to drive the point home at the end of the dinner, Hunter Biden would take his cell phone out, put it on speaker and dial a number. And at the other end of the phone, Joe Biden would answer.

‘Hunter would explain who he was having dinner with. Joe would say hello to everybody there. He would know everybody’s name. He would know their wives’ names, their children’s names.

‘He would never discuss the business deal at hand. But he made it crystal clear by virtue of the fact that he knew all this information, that Hunter had discussed those people with him.

‘Devon said that’s all you needed. These guys would be falling all over themselves trying to sign them up after that.

‘He said he did it with Romanians, with Ukrainians, it didn’t matter; whoever they were pitching for business.’

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre declined Tuesday to entertain questions about potential impeachment proceedings, reflecting the administration’s thinking that it is a political diversion that doesn’t have support of the public or even the entirety of McCarthy’s GOP majority.

McCarthy’s brief comments late Monday on Fox appeared intentional rather than simple banter with the show’s host, Sean Hannity. He said that Biden’s actions are “rising to the level of impeachment inquiry.”

9 Comments on Devon Archer in Hiding -The Left Making Death Threats

  1. It won’t matter that he testifies. We all know already what he will (or would) say, because he has said it already, although perhaps not under oath. The Biden camp will simply say he is disreputable.
    And regardless, we are already swimming in enough truth to bury Biden, the only question is whether our representatives have the will to do so.

  2. When there are consequences for the Biden’s corruption let us all know. Nothing will result from this kabuki. The American people have lost all faith in their government. They operate outside the law and impose laws and regulations outside the Constitution with impunity. They have total control over us and there’s not a damn thing we can do about it.

  3. Left Coast Dan AT 1:02 PM
    “It won’t matter that he testifies.”

    …the point of his impending suicide isn’t to stop him (they have a freindly media and compliant judges to make the written testimony irrelevant or just disappear), but to warn off anyone ELSE that may be thinking about breaking Omerta.

    In such circles, silence is golden, and speaking is blood red.

  4. @ SNS at 1:37 pm,

    Somebody has to stand up! That is how it begins…. Stand behind these whistleblowers and get ready to join the fray…



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