DFJ – IOTW Report



16 Comments on DFJ

  1. People who are vaccinated need to live in fear of those who are not.

    Because your stupid vaccine doesn’t work against fake diseases that were never real. In a pandemic way.

  2. Paranoid? I would say those who are paranoid are those lining up getting their poison jabs and wearing a mask thinking that will save them from a virus.

    I haven’t been paranoid one single day over this virus.

  3. Speaking of paranoia, how about the paranoia of the people so scared of a safe drug like Ivermectin? You know those people calling it a horse medicine getting jabbed with a shot that for years could not get past the animal trials because all of the animals died.

    I just learned of an older couple who have been sick for the past few weeks, the tests said it was covid. The wife is 69, the husband is 72. I hadn’t seen them at the races the past few weeks and learned today they weren’t getting any better and tried to get their doctor to prescribe them Ivermectin but he refused saying it doesn’t work and just to drink plenty of liquids and if it keeps getting worse to go to the ER.

    Their son went and bought them some animal Ivermectin at the feed store, they started taking it Thursday and today both are better. The wife couldn’t even get out of bed, yet after two doses was up and cooking dinner tonight.

    I bet the poison jab wouldn’t do that.

  4. @ORWW ~ the AMA (a Big Pharma lobbying group) has forbid all associated dr’s & hospitals, under penalty of expulsion & discretization, to prescribe Ivermectin … go figure

    we are witnessing the takeover of the world by greed … humankind has turned it’s back on Enlightenment … God help us

    stock up … water, non-perishable food, essential first-aid & ammo

    I predict it won’t be long and they won’t let you buy animal ivermectin without a prescription because the fear factor of how dangerous it is isn’t working.

    I need it also for my animals, so when I can find it I buy it, but even when you can find it they have limits on how much you can buy. Some of the stores aren’t even carrying the injectable anymore, which is what I use for my animals.

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