DHS Proposes Using “Private Firms” As Work Around Constitution To Spy On Citizens – IOTW Report

DHS Proposes Using “Private Firms” As Work Around Constitution To Spy On Citizens

Daily Wire

President Joe Biden’s administration is reportedly considering working with private firms to monitor “extremist chatter by Americans online” because the federal government is legally limited to what they can do without a warrant.

The report said the federal government is also banned from using false identities to gain access to private messaging apps and groups. The government can scan public social media profiles.

“The plan being discussed inside DHS, according to multiple sources, would, in effect, allow the department to circumvent” laws that limit what the federal government can do in surveilling U.S. citizens without a warrant, CNN reported. “A source familiar with the effort said it is not about decrypting data but rather using outside entities who can legally access these private groups to gather large amounts of information that could help DHS identify key narratives as they emerge.” More

Why not just track the sales of torches and pitchforks to know when we’ll storm the capital again? – Dr. Tar

12 Comments on DHS Proposes Using “Private Firms” As Work Around Constitution To Spy On Citizens

  1. If I am not mistaken, anyone acting on behest of the government is bound by the same Constitutional restrictions as the government. I.E.: a police officer cannot ask you to ask incriminating questions of a suspect. That would make you an “agent of the government.” If you, on your own, asked for the incriminating evidence that would be one thing, but the police cannot ask you to ask for it without you being bound by the Miranda ruling.

    Not that Ol’ Joe would be aware of such things.

  2. I believe this has been going on since the early days of the hideous USA PATRIOT Act. The U.S. Stasi for whatever reason have decided that now is the time to let it be known that they’re “considering” it, perhaps to get ahead of a leak they know is coming.

  3. Didn’t the government attempt to “outsource” torturing prisoners a few years ago? That didn’t work out – course it doesn’t help the guys who got tortured.

    Anyway, the same principle is involved.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Democrats gonna commie.
    Can’t allow anyone opposing their narrative.
    Like no one will notice higher prices, illegals taking up residence in the neighborhood, sudden and frequent raids by FBI on your neighbors with American flags or I ❤ hunting stickers on their trucks.


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