DHS Report Reveals China Did More Than Just Cover Up the Coronavirus – IOTW Report

DHS Report Reveals China Did More Than Just Cover Up the Coronavirus

DanBongino.com: Contradicting the initial belief that it originated from someone eating bat, it’s starting to look like those who theorized that the coronavirus escaped from a Wuhan lab were right all along.

While there is no evidence to support the assertion that the virus was created as a bio-weapon, the evidence is piling up that it did escape from a lab. A senior official told the Daily Caller over the weekend that the “majority view among the U.S. intelligence community agencies is that the COVID-19 is natural and accidentally leaked out of a laboratory in Wuhan.” Another senior intelligence official told Fox News’ John Roberts that not all seventeen intelligence agencies agree, but that 70-75% do. read more
ht ‘Rona.

8 Comments on DHS Report Reveals China Did More Than Just Cover Up the Coronavirus

  1. If only Trump would’ve bowed to Xi like Obama did, none of this would’ve happened. Trumps fault again.
    (That’s sarcasm for some of you not yet awake.)

  2. Yeah, what’s surprising is how long it took ’em to say this. The bats that carry that class of virus live about 1,000 km away from Wuhan, and if they were simply hungry there are bats a heckuva lot closer than that.

  3. I still think that some greedy bastid took lab animals scheduled for destruction out of the lab and walked them to the wet market to sell. The market and lab are less than a football field apart. Some poor janitor just needed a coupla bucks and wound up killing millions. Or the Chicoms are out to kill us all. That is possible too!

  4. Why does nobody mention the big outdoor party held in Wuhan in Jan.? There was a purposeful gathering of 60,000 people who then were free to travel elsewhere (Wuhan being a transportation hub.)
    Seems pre-planned to me.

  5. “ not all seventeen intelligence agencies agree, but that 70-75% do”

    Well then, it’s 12 agencies (70.59% = 12 out of 17). If 11 agencies agreed that would be 64.71% which is below the 70-75 stated range, and 13 agencies would be 76.47% which is too high. My wife thinks I dwell too much on things that don’t matter.

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