DHS Secretary: I’m Considering Separating Illegal Immigrant Kids From Their Parents – IOTW Report

DHS Secretary: I’m Considering Separating Illegal Immigrant Kids From Their Parents


Homeland Security secretary John Kelly said Monday that he is considering separating illegal immigrant families.

“I would do almost anything to deter the people from Central America to getting on this very, very dangerous network that brings them up through Mexico into the United States,” Kelly said in an interview on CNN.

CNN anchor Wolf Blitzer pressed Kelly on whether reports that the DHS is considering separating illegal immigrant kids from their families are true.

“We have tremendous experience dealing with unaccompanied minors, we turn them over to HHS and they do a very good job putting them into foster care, or linking them up with family members in the United States,” Kelly replied. The retired Marine general added that “yes” he is considering the idea “in order to deter movement along this terrible network.”


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12 Comments on DHS Secretary: I’m Considering Separating Illegal Immigrant Kids From Their Parents

  1. I don’t see this as being a very smart move. The intentions may be pure, but it will be a tough sell. The rights long standing argument was that we do not separate families. If mom and dad are deported, they are free to take the kids with them. This seems to change that. Why give the left anything to batter Trump with.

  2. The kids are pawns. As they usually are, when parents abdicate their responsibilities and turn them over to the tender mercies of a grand, impersonal, faceless, pitiless state.
    What Mr. Curtain wrote is entirely correct: Don’t be an illegal alien invader, and there will be no consequences; for you, or for your “l’il chillens.’

    It’s all a political game, and the l’il chillens suffer for it – but their parents are to blame, not the denizens of the nation they’ve invaded.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Screw that. Mom and Dad made the decision to bring the kids along on a dangerous trip. If they get caught, then keep them together and ship their asses back to the country of origin. I don’t want the kids to be allowed to stay here at our expense so they can grow up resenting the nation that took them away from their parents.

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