Diabetes Now Has More Than 2 Classifications – IOTW Report

Diabetes Now Has More Than 2 Classifications

Like genders, diabetes has more than 2 types. But the diabetes reclassification has more to do with science than the idiotic, nonscientific, gender has 1,000 classifications moronicness.


We’ve Been Thinking About Diabetes All Wrong: Study
Researchers say there are 5 clusters, not 2 types, of diabetes

More than 30 million Americans have diabetes, but a study published Thursday in the Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology concludes we’ve been thinking about the disease all wrong. The BBCreports diabetes is typically separated into type 1—an immune system disease—and type 2—mostly seen as the result of an unhealthy lifestyle. About 90% to 95% of diabetics are classified as type 2, according to Medical News Today. But: “Diabetes is not the grey mass we have been calling type 2,” researcher Leif Groop tells the Guardian. “There are really subsets of the disease that require different treatment.” Groop’s team studied 14,775 diabetics and determined diabetes should actually be broken into five “genetically distinct” clusters.  (Go to Newser to see)

Each cluster has different risks associated with it, and patients could respond better to different treatments, researchers say. “I think it will mean a more individualized therapy [and] a better quality of life,” Groop says.


41 Comments on Diabetes Now Has More Than 2 Classifications

  1. I would like to not be lumped in with the ones who Don’t take care of themselves. Also, I hardly ever NEED to see a doctor unless it’s to renew prescription. BTW, am I forced to renew my insulin RX because I may be cured between subscriptions and they think I’m buying $400 insulin just for shits and giggles????

  2. MJA–as a health professional the two types of diabetes has bugged me for a long time. I am so glad to see this. I did not know that one had to renew insulin Rx–is this every time? I would hope that breaking it into clusters would lower the price for those of you who have diabetes through no fault of their own but that is a pipe dream.

  3. MJA–as a health professional (I take care of babies) the two types of diabetes has bugged me for a long time. I am so glad to see this. I did not know that one had to renew insulin Rx–is this every time? I would hope that breaking it into clusters would lower the price for those of you who have diabetes through no fault of their own but that is a pipe dream.

  4. Corky. Aww babies. <3

    Anyway, yeah, I do have to get Rx because I cannot use the 2 generics R and N. They don't work at all for me. So I use an Aspart in an insulin pump, so everything I do requires Rx. Yay. Insulin Rx requirements are based, I think , depending on your state. If I could afford to buy insulin the way as written on my Rx, I'd have to renew every 6 months, by an Endo. And that adds to my bills. <--- All this WITHOUT health insurance, btw. I don't know how it works for people with insurance.

  5. Bad_Brad- No, I’ll check it out. Thanks. I hope it doesn’t involve Gluten. lol
    Edit: ah yes, okay. similar to Atkins. I kinda do that already because of the gluten problem. But I don’t dare go nuts with the high fat content. Interesting though!

  6. MJA
    The info that’s readily available on the Internet seems to be bastardized version of the real deal. The key component is getting to a state of ketosis. I have some really good stuff book marked at home. I’ll try and forward it to you but it’s suppose to super beneficial for peeps with diabetes.

  7. MJA, I do Keto, but Im type 2. Nuts and sunflower seeds do not seem to raise my A1C. I home test that about once a month with my A1C NOW kit. I’m not on insulin and I told the doc where to put his pills.

    When I was first diagnosed I actually was at 15. something, the highest doc said he ever saw. To this day I believe it was due to quinolones meds that I didn’t need, but was given because of a horrible misdiagnosis and constant severe stress for over a year.

    I did the pills for 3 months and was down to 7.3 two weeks after I threw out the pills. Kept it under 7 untill about fifteen years later when arthritis prevented my 2 mile daily walk. Went up to high 7s. Doc talked me back on the pills, but I tossed them the following summer when I got to swim every day and went down to 6.5. All that time, I did Atkins. I decided to go Keto about a year ago. My A1c climbs in the winter to just under 7, but I’m 72 and cripped. What is really wierd, is my a.m. Has risen, but my A1c is within decent range.

    I don’t do grains. Going to computer to post article on fruicans or something like that.. will post it here. It’s an interesting take on gluten. Having my DiL look at real med info on this. She’s Pharm PhD in this area and heart.

  8. Sounds like a new way to get more money from us.
    I have to renew my insulin Rx all the time. I use the pens.
    As far as the unhealthy lifestyle, correcting that for the last 4 years hasn’t helped at all. I don’t fit any of the new clusters. I must be cluster-fucked. 🙂

  9. MJA, Don’t know if this is relevant to your situation, but found this interesting.
    “Although only one percent of the population are affected by celiac disease, gluten-free diets have become a major food trend in recent years. Non-celiac gluten sensitivity is a controversial topic amongst many researchers, with up to 13 percent of people claiming to suffer from the condition. A new study is now suggesting that fructans, and not gluten, could be the source of many people’s gastrointestinal upset.”


    If she finds any real med studies, I’ll email it to you if it’s relevant.

  10. We just a bunch of healthy sum’bitches aren’t we?

    On a good note, the chemo killed all of my basil cell carcinoma from my neck up👏 I don’t recommended that path that to get rid of it though.🤭

    My doc says there’s a new topical prescription you can get for it.


    Good link. Other benefits of Ketosis is it forces your body to through toxins. Might be a good deal for us aging people trying to hold on to our youth.

  12. @ AA, rad treatments have two left. I see the chemo doc Monday about followon course of action and treatments with him.

    I’m not free yet, but getting near. Still no voice yet, blessing?

    What a humbling kick to the head this whole mess has been.

  13. PJ

    Great find. Book marking. I’m finding this diet is one of those deals where you need to collect as much data as you can and try and figure it out from there.

  14. @ Brad,
    In 1998 I was found to be diabetic. I was sent to a diabetes instructor. Before I saw her I took things into my own hands. This was really before there was much info on the internet about the subject but I did learn about the glycemic index from sources in the UK and a great blogger in Australia. Nothing but schiff from the American Diabetes Assn who gets their funding from drug companies. The official diabetes instructor towed the company line telling me that I could not eat an entire can of sardines for lunch because there was too much fat in them, and that I coul only have three sardines per meal. But she said I could have a half cup of white rice and some other schiff that was high on the glycemic scale- which she hadn’t heard of before me.

    I came home crying, and DH told me not to listen to her, don’t go back, and we found a G.P. who had a nurse practioner that I loved.

    That NP asked me if I was on the internet and if I everheard of the glycemic index. She encouraged me to continue to follow it. Thank God. I then had all the encouragement I needed. I asked Our Blessed Mother to help me and guide me. Again, thank God.

    p.s. Peanuts in the shell with the skins became my go to snack.

  15. Plain Jane

    I’m a big holistic guy. Mainly because I don’t trust doctors. At all. Thank God you ran into that nurse practitioner. I do a lot of research before I jump into something and I’m really seeing the positives of the TRUE Kato diet. I can’t encourage people enough, no matter your age, to combine it with weight training. It is the fountain of youth. If you were at my gym I’d help train you.

  16. @Bad Brad
    You are so sweet. I really need someone who would train me. All there is around here are are too young muscle bounds who think I’m going to break. The machines are so complicated looking I’m afraid I’ll bust something (me) if I move a handle or lever. I do floor exercises and 80 pushups a day against the dryer 🙂 ) when the pool is down for 3 seasons. Plus 100 -130 right angle leg lifts. But I really want the good tingle from weights.

    Our daughter is into training big, but she is over 300 miles away. DH isn’t into it, he gets enormous exercise keeping up our little acre.

  17. I avoid doctors like the plague. With that being said, have you heard about the numbers of top naturalpaths and holistic practioners that have met untimely deaths recently? There is some shit going around.

  18. Lifters are a strange bunch. These guys right here.

    ” All there is around here are are too young muscle bounds who think I’m going to break”

    Would bend over backwards to point you in the right direction. I promise you won’t be disappointed. Next time you see a couple of them congregated walk up and tell them you need help with free weights. Don’t be surprised if they show up for dinner.

  19. @Bad Brad Show up for dinner – LOL

    They will get liver and bacon, spinach and keto rolls. 🙂

    And maybe a dozen berries with a sprinkle of cinnamon and full fat cream.

  20. PJ

    They’ll never leave. That’s their diet. There’s been a bunch of times me and my pals have watched some poor woman training incorrectly. All it takes is for one of us to give some advise and next thing you know she’s off and running. And one of the gang. Personal trainer don’t know crap. I wish I could get you started. Weights will extend your productive life.

  21. @Bad Brad
    I believe you about extending my productive life. I may go back to the gym a few times at different times of the day without DH. Maybe guys don’t feel comfortable helping a little ole lady when her DH is around, like infringing on his know how even it he isn’t a lifter. The gym is 4 minutes away. Gonna try.

  22. I had some incredible help from a young man who does srtuctural integration known as Rolfing. It is the ultra deep massage of the facia of the muscles. Had me walking without my cane until I twisted my bod when I prevented a fall down the stairs. I am going back to him for a a tune-up.


  23. Thanks all, still trodding, but I’m still looking down at the flowers.🙏🏻

    I’d really like my taste buds back. That’s my prison.😿

    I’m really hankering for some old time cabbage rolls….

  24. May I suggest the herb, Gymnema, for the diabetics? I’m an RN with a holistic bent and I have been reading about gymnema for years. In Asia it’s used for type 1, as well.
    Best, Indi

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