Diamond and Silk – IOTW Report

Diamond and Silk

WeBeSisters are getting serious national attention.

These are a couple of ladies who the Democrat and GOP establishment loathe. That’s why I like them. What’s not to like? They want America great again. Amen.

Can Trump make America great again? I don’t know.

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7 Comments on Diamond and Silk

  1. These ladies are hilarious. I’ve watched every video since I heard a clip on Rush Limbaugh show. My favorite thing about their presentation is their, “Havin’ church” – Call and Response style.
    Despite all the great common sense rhetoric they dish out, they’re basically liberal and don’t really have any real criticism for Obama, “a brotha” who is the real cause of the blight they want Trump to fix. Overall, they are very entertaining. Hope their shtick lasts awhile longer.

  2. Don’t be dissing the “Stump for Trump” girls. I love them.

    They didn’t take the bait to criticize Obama which minimized him and put the focus back on Trump.

    I don’t know who, if anyone, is behind them, but they have the background information on candidates. e.g. Carly Florina in that video.

    Their schtick is clever and professionally produced. hmmm. I’m giving Trump,with Cruz, as good a chance as anyone to start the process of restoring the Republic.

  3. They are fantastic. Are they real? Who is paying them? Anyone? Is Hillary funding them to promote trump in the black community to get him ahead so he ends up third party to make Hillary win?

    Although, they don’t need funding allyou need is a $200 Acer laptop from Walmart and a free youtube acount to make these videos.

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