Diamond, Silk and Stefan Molyneux – IOTW Report

Diamond, Silk and Stefan Molyneux


Diamond and Silk join Stefan Molyneux to discuss the recent monetary challenges they have faced due to corporate opposition, the danger of race-baiting, and what the future holds for race relations in the United States of America.

3 Comments on Diamond, Silk and Stefan Molyneux

  1. A number of years ago (back in the Øbamboozler’s first term) I said “This is the New Communism of Unnecessary, Over-Reaching, Over-bearing, High-Handed, Autocratic Regulation brought to us by the Øbamboozler and the bought and paid for MSM who provide cover for him!”
    We’re still in it folks and I don’t think anything proves that point any better than this situation! This is censorship. Maybe it’s not hardcore censorship, but it is censorship all the same. It’s the sneaky stuff that slinks around like the Left that promotes it and certainly by today’s standards possibly racism as well!

  2. Diamond and Silk preach ‘common sense’–exactly what the leftist elites do not want ANYONE to hear..
    plus, they love and respect our President!

    If you have even a small business, please advertise with them–and you can probably donate at their website, too!!!

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