Dice: Apple Built-In Calendar Notifications Hates America – IOTW Report

Dice: Apple Built-In Calendar Notifications Hates America

10 Comments on Dice: Apple Built-In Calendar Notifications Hates America

  1. You’d think Apple would be smart enough to let people chose their own holidays or maybe they just think their customers just can’t handle what they want notifications on. Apple appears clever but is just not all that smart.

  2. @Perry, what Apple has done since Jobs expired, shows how critical to their huge success he was as their CEO.

    When Apple kicked him out they faded, then when he came back their products significantly affected humanity (plus Pixar). But the genius Jobs was an asshole too, which is why he chose Cook to succeed him.

  3. ‘Ashurah (pronounced AH-shurah, Mark) is the Shi’ite holiday that is celebrated by beating oneself with chains and shedding blood all over oneself. Small children are introduced to this “celebration” when their parents cut their scalps with knives, causing blood to drip down their faces. It tends to scare the kids, judging by the terrified looks on their faces

    But this is the activity Apple favors over hunting for Easter eggs and getting Easter baskets. Isn’t that special

  4. Has Cook the queer included Harvey Milk Day? If not this year, then I’m betting next year. They do this stuff incrementally, so someday you wake up and find that all evil is elevated to worship status.

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