Dice- The left is worried they’re too left – IOTW Report

Dice- The left is worried they’re too left

13 Comments on Dice- The left is worried they’re too left

  1. Bannon’s assessment as well this morning on Squawk Box interview. He mentioned “high profile” individuals looking from the outside, but stated 2020 is Trump’s.

  2. Irrelevant Moore, on nearly irrelevant MSNBC, speaking with liar Brian Willams.

    Uh-oh, 10 people must have seen this. And 6 of them work in the control booth.

    Fade away, folks, only a small few hear and believe what your shoveling!

  3. Trump has this locked up..My fear-2024..Bannon is correct Trump will win 2020 but we still need to get out there and VOTE..Don’t sit back and think we have this wrapped up,we still need to convince millions more to get off the couch and stand up for this country by giving President Trump another term.
    The left is going to go balls out on voter fraud..We’ll need to counter that..Trump/Pence 2020 Get out there..get the facts out there and get people excited for Trump..

  4. Micheal “the first time I’ve been proud of my country” Obama? In this day and age when we have a POTUS who would destroy her in tweets- no chance.

    Oprah? People forget her early years are on tape. She was reading the news and mispronounced “Canada”. What’s worse- the Oprah show, in the early years, was a parade of human waist and Oprah giving them their 15 minutes. There is just too much there- Oprah won’t run.

  5. I hope these “people” are just plain Left Out. Can anyone, please, state anything positive these leeches have done for American. ZZzzzzzz, that’s what I thought.


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