Dice- The Leftwing Making It Too Easy For Me – IOTW Report

Dice- The Leftwing Making It Too Easy For Me

5 Comments on Dice- The Leftwing Making It Too Easy For Me

  1. How nice. A message appears when trying to watch the video that says “Allow YouTube to use cookies from IOTW?” “This will allow YouTube to track your viewing.” Being naturally suspicious I declined. It reloaded and asked again when I tried again. After about 3 tries I relented and allowed the cookies. And, unsurprisingly got the message “Error, video unavailable.”

    Assholes. 🖕🤬🖕

  2. This is the second day I haven’t been able to download Mark Dice’s videos. It started yesterday with the ‘Drew Brees’ vid. “Couldn’t Download HTML Page” (105404). Not good.

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