Dice: The New Programmed Climate Leader – IOTW Report

Dice: The New Programmed Climate Leader

23 Comments on Dice: The New Programmed Climate Leader

  1. Just saw a posting that the little Swedish Troll is an actress and is on IMDB. Perfect for this role!! There’s also a photo out there of her with Satan himself, George Soros (which I’m looking for now). Any surprise that HE’S pulling the strings of this bullshit and is probably financing it?

  2. I’m guessing she isn’t going to have much of a future.

    And not because of “climate change”.

    Because she is too naive to realize that Leftist powers are using her for their own propaganda purposes to push their power grabbing political agenda on others and will dump here by the wayside as soon as she no longer suits that purpose or is no longer needed.

    She will be left behind with a life built around a foolish basis, and be left behind those who built their lives on something more solid.

    And this is, unfortunately, legal.

  3. Yep! That’s the ticket to change my position on climate change. Send a demon possessed looking child to scowl at me while denigrating any view but her own. Someone needs to spank this child and sit her in the corner until she learns to respect others. Giant fail from my observations with people I’ve shared her little tirade with.

  4. Greta Von Whackbag is the perfect symbol for the Left.

    A maladjusted child throwing a hysterical temper tantrum in public.

    That speech at the UN was for the ages. If some brat pulled that in a supermarket, their parent would grab them by the ear and take them out to the car or beat them beside the mechanical horse or carousel outside.

    We are not going to McDonalds now.

    “YOU RUINED MY LIFE!!!!#1@1@!”

    Ahh. Your tears. They sustain me.

  5. I agree with Different Tim, her parents or someone else in authority needs to turn her over their knee and paddle some sense in her. And keep on doing it until she cries uncle and quits being such a dumbass with her Chicken Little the sky is falling globull warming bs.

  6. Ok, I’ve seen enough of this snarly little bitch to last me a lifetime. Regrettably, she’s just today’s most visible example of how the world’s youth are being conditioned to accept (and even welcome) the coming global dictatorship. Thank God I’ll be dead before their shit hits the fan.

  7. If you think Liz Warren is an insufferable, shrieking harpy just wait until Saint Pie-Face is allowed to become a citizen of the US and runs for office. Think I’m crazy? 2 words: Ilhan Omar

  8. How dare I?
    F-U you little toad.
    When I see you making your own clothes from thread you spun yourself I will take you seriously
    The generation that lives on their phones powered by lithium batteries, does not impress me with their self sacrifice.
    Let me see how well you pick up trash then lecture me
    The real threat is collapse of eco systems from the micro plastics in the ocean (yoga pants elastic), and the collapse of the pollination cycle due to insecticides.
    She is a manufactured entity, fueled and powered by Communism

  9. Surprised we haven’t been treated to an angry NPC with braids. She’s definitely on the NPC spectrum. Admittedly, the NPC spectrum is two shades of grey, but it’s still a spectrum.


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