Dice- The Worst of the Dem Candidate’s Climate Change Forums – IOTW Report

Dice- The Worst of the Dem Candidate’s Climate Change Forums

6 Comments on Dice- The Worst of the Dem Candidate’s Climate Change Forums

  1. Lazlo heard it too. . .

    Military apologizes for threatening to launch stealth bomber at Storm Area 51
    The US military has apologized for threatening to launch a stealth bomber on young conspiracy theorists planning to storm Area 51. The last thing Millennials will see if they attempt the area51 raid

    Area 51 raid – US military apologises for threatening to unleash
    THE US military has apologised for threatening to launch a bomber on Millennials planning to storm Area 51. . . . along with a menacing photo of servicemen and women in front of the B-2 stealth bomber. DVIDS. The military unit issued an apology, saying the tweet “in no way” reflected its stance(s).

    DoD apologizes for tweet suggesting millennials – Air Force Times
    The Defense Department was forced to issue an apology Saturday, also A B-2 Spirit bomber landed at Nellis Air Force Base.

  2. These candidates are out their fucking minds. They can’t seriously believe they can be elected. Free medical care for illegals. Confiscation. Prosecute oil company CEOs. Lord have mercy on whoever Trump faces because he sure won’t.

  3. If these idiots would quit spewing hot air we’d be able to put off global warming for a few more years. And thank goodness that some of the folks have decided not to reproduce, thus avoiding more hot air.

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