Dick Cheney Voting For Harris- lolololoool – IOTW Report

Dick Cheney Voting For Harris- lolololoool

At the very least, Trump revealed the swamp.

33 Comments on Dick Cheney Voting For Harris- lolololoool

  1. The Cheneys voting for Kneepad?
    Not surprised in the least.
    GOPe RINOs are incestuous kissin’ cousins to DildoCrats.
    If they were to declare that they were voting for PDJT, I’d want to give them a thorough body cavity search (ewwwwww), just to find all the knives they want to stab into Trump’s back.

  2. @BFH:

    At the very least, Trump revealed the swamp.

    Mr. FurHat, if you just now are seeing Dick Cheney’s charter swamp membership, I have a first-rate eye doctor I’d like to introduce you to! ๐Ÿ•โ€๐Ÿฆบ ๐Ÿ˜„

  3. “Looks like we lost the McCains as well as the Cheneys.”

    I was a HUGE Cheney fan back in the day. My how Trump has opened our eyes.
    I read today that when McCain first entered AZ politics he was a registered Democrat and ran a such. He soon realized he was deep in the heart of Goldwater territory and switched political parties so he could get elected. A man with zero principles. And now we see it’s hereditary. That fat pig of a daughter of his is a real piece of work. Anyway I found that interesting.

  4. That’s fine, Dick, and George, and Mitt, and Ryan, and all the others. We who are Trumps voting base are the same people who voted for YOU back then. We came to your rallies, donated to the party, and supported YOU. We defended YOU against ridiculous media smears, in online forums, in workplace discussions, etc. We’re the same people now as we were then, only wiser.

    Thanks for letting us know who you really are.

  5. Neither of them would have had the guts to go public about their kamala support if they were still office holders. It’s funny how secure they feel about doing it now. If you know what I mean.

  6. I don’t think they like Kamala as much as they’re simply angling for some power in the Communist party that democRATz are becoming more obvious about. Power is their only allegience. They think it’s the future. I hope not!

  7. Dick Cheney is just another in a never-ending long line of RINO’s who all are acolytes/sycophants of Gollum who worship power and holding onto their “precious” desire to rule over everybody else and they don’t give a damn and too hoots in hell about how they do it.

  8. I think of all the American troops that have lost lives, limbs and
    other injuries for this war monger along with Bush and the other Rinos.
    I never say I have regrets in this life, but I rue the day that my vote went to these neo-cons.

  9. Remarkable how half assed people develop gravitas by winning a popularity contest and parleying that into repeated re election, a parley abetted by enormous cash advantage paid for through correct voting while in office.

    Evidence of the half assed quality of the Cheneys is that the father, a long time deep state operative at high level and the daughter, a coat tails riding glutton of no evident personal accomplishment are willing to vote for a pair of known Marxist stooges rather than take a chance on disturbing their relative position within the, for want of a better word, swamp.

    Think of it, the entire country, traditions, ideals, formal structure, prices paid by others to maintain, future promise, everything, thrown away in exchange for personal gain, or rather avoiding possible personal loss. And this in loud public ejaculations! Think of the literal heartlessness, the soullessness, the absence of even the conception of honor this entails! Shocking and real.

    All nine people who care what this demented duo think regarding voting are already signed up for the communist party so thereโ€™s that, and a great consolation is that the left has habitually shit on both of the Cheney douchebags and this just proves, the best way to get a Cheney to do your bidding is to shit all over them.


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