Dick Clark Introduces them as “The” Pink Floyd – IOTW Report

Dick Clark Introduces them as “The” Pink Floyd

This is a very unlikely American Bandstand guest. It’s pretty odd.

This is with Syd Barrett, 1967, before David Gilmour.

Barrett looks deranged, which he was.

This song is odd, very dated, but interesting to see. One thing I realize is that Roger Waters has a punchable face.

33 Comments on Dick Clark Introduces them as “The” Pink Floyd

  1. Come in here, dear boy, have a cigar, you’re gonna go far
    You’re gonna fly high, you’re never gonna die
    You’re gonna make it if you try, they’re gonna love you
    Well, I’ve always had a deep respect an’ I mean that most sincerely
    The band is just fantastic, that is really what I think

  2. Left Coast Dan
    JANUARY 20, 2022 AT 12:01 PM

    “They had a ton of lousy stuff before Meddle, then Dark Side of the Moon.”

    …I kind of liked “Careful With That Axe, Eugene”, tho, but the midnight “art” movie in the theatre full of reefer smoke might have had something to do with it…


  3. Originally they were “The Pink Floyd.”
    I don’t remember when they changed – probably when they jettisoned Barrett.
    “Atom Heart Mother” and “Obscured by Clouds” sucked pretty bad.
    (course I could be remembering something that didn’t happen – as Joey Biden does)

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. I bagged groceries for Dick Clark and his wife many times in the late 60s. Nice guy. We had quite a few celebrities come into the store, I name drop here from time to time.

    Note: I literally Bagged groceries; it’s not a euphemism for something else.

  5. Saw Brit Floyd few years ago. Really good. Played the whole of Dark Side of the Moon note for note. However when they asked for requests they said they won’t do Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun.

  6. Seen them twice in halls that held 3000 max. Dam good quad channel sound system for the day. Yes the 3 black chicks in full length blue sequine gowns sang Obscured by clouds.

  7. I happen to enjoy Pink Floyd’s music. My dirty mind likes the Brit slang for a dick. That being said, Roger Waters is the epitome of a Pink Floyd, yet when Syd Barrett was let go, the band did pay for his care.

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