Dick Morris Once Again Warns Us How Nixonian Hillary Clinton Is – IOTW Report

Dick Morris Once Again Warns Us How Nixonian Hillary Clinton Is


Hillary hired secret police to ratf*ck Bill Clinton’s paramours.



16 Comments on Dick Morris Once Again Warns Us How Nixonian Hillary Clinton Is

  1. Voted for Nixon twice – lived in DC when it all went down.
    Given choice between a live Nixon and Ms Hillary, I’d vote for Nixon again.

    A joke going around in DC at the time I was there:
    what has two wings and a tricky dick?
    Air Force 1.

  2. Too young to vote for Nixon, but, like anonymous wrote, given a choice between Nixon and Hillary, I’d vote for Nixon, without hesitation.

    Say what you want about Nixon, but he was an American, and NEVER would have dreamed of selling America out to the Chinese, or anyone else. Hillary, on the other hand, has already sold us out to the Chinese, and will do it again with no compunction, whatsoever.

    Traitors deserve Death … not high office.

  3. Hillary Weiner-Behghazi-Clinton couldn’t shine Nixon’s shoes. Imagine if Nixon gave the Red Chinese a ‘reset’ button…

    Hillary Clinton is merely corrupt. Her being talented at anything at all is as great as a contrivance as ‘Barack Hussein Obama,’ (whoever he really is.)

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