Dick Morris Sets the Record Straight On Hillary’s Life and It’s a Devastating Rebuke of Bill’s Speech – IOTW Report

Dick Morris Sets the Record Straight On Hillary’s Life and It’s a Devastating Rebuke of Bill’s Speech

See Morris setting the record straight, explaining how Hillary went to work trying to help the Black Panthers by finding appealable irregularities that would free thugs after conviction.

He explains that she was fired from the Watergate case for stealing documents that could help Nixon’s defense.

These are just two examples of a long laundry list of Hillary indiscretions that Bill happened to leave out of his homage to his wife at the DNC.

see HERE

12 Comments on Dick Morris Sets the Record Straight On Hillary’s Life and It’s a Devastating Rebuke of Bill’s Speech

  1. Morris must not know as much about Hillary as he claims; he’s still got a pulse and is taking in solid food. Webb Hubbell is still alive because he’s someone’s real father.

    Everyone else… kaput!

  2. Vince Foster, who listened to Bill spinning yarns and tall tales about Hillary last night, said, “You’re shitting me. Who’s he talking about? Nobody we know.”


  3. Dick is still alive because he has made it very clear to these two demonic pieces of shit that if/when he takes his last breath information that is irrefutable will be released for the world to see.

    He has covered his ass and has records spread across the globe with different people should anything happen to him or his wife.

    No doubt about it.

  4. Mr. Trump needs to ask American people do they think Clintons giving Russia control over 1/2 of US Uranium creating national security threat ?

    2 conflicting reports say 1/5th and ½ US Uranium was sold to Russians !!!!

    And Mr. Trump needs to ask why didn’t the Senate Call this National Security threat into question ???

    Senate records show The Podesta Group lobbied the State Department on behalf of Uranium One http://tinyurl.com/h82ulw5

    Did Clintons sell ½ of US Uranium to Russia causing National Security Threat http://tinyurl.com/kvu54h3

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