Dick Morris’s “Pool Boy” Revealed – IOTW Report

Dick Morris’s “Pool Boy” Revealed


13 Comments on Dick Morris’s “Pool Boy” Revealed

  1. Can we listen to this guy instead of Dick Morris. We never watch FOX anymore. Mainly Newsmax. So we’re forced to suffer through Dick Morris once again being WRONG. Now I want to see this guys hot girl friend.

  2. Stopped watching Fox election night, 2012, after watching Pasty Karl Rove and Dick “Toe Sucker” Morris regale us all night on how Mitt was going to win. I was so disgusted by the two of them I never went back.

  3. Little known fact: Dick Morris’s name is actually Montrose. Montrose Morris. He thought that sounded too gay.

    Now, he goes by Dick because he’s quite the ladies man. Meaning he uses the Ladies Room…until they call a bouncer.

  4. Morris kept saving Willie’s ass with his triangulation. He was the political genius, not Willie.

    Once they parted company is when Willie started tripping over himself.

  5. “Little known fact: Dick Morris’s name is actually Montrose. Montrose Morris. He thought that sounded too gay. ”

    Interesting. That name makes me think of a Bad Motor Scooter.


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