Dickin’ Bimbos – IOTW Report

Dickin’ Bimbos

Colin Powell email —


32 Comments on Dickin’ Bimbos

  1. Has Slick Willie booked another playtrip to Bimbo Isle yet? You know he will, as Cankles is either stroked out or dead. Not one to grieve long, that Billyboy Clinton. And how dare anyone not respect him, after all he did? Pffffft.

  2. Remember Revelations according to the Holy Bible?

    Ask yourself: Are we in the time of the revealing? Has knowledge increased greatly. Does a web surround the planet.

    Scary how this all starts to come together after being predicted thousands of years ago, ain’t it?

    What’s next – the one world government and religion? Wormwood the asteroid?

  3. I will lay it out here and now. Chances are Bill has never dicked that dyke Cankles. Webb Hubbell is the horsefaced one’s father. the whole marriage thing was a sham from the get go. She is a lesbian who spotted a beard she could marry and try to reach the top of world control with. He told her she needed to seal the deal with a kid. So she did with Hubbell. Sound familiar as with the current occupiers in the White Hut? Dhimorats..the party you absolutely cannot believe or trust.

  4. I think it would be a great name for a beer.

    I’ll have a Feckin Irish Whiskey and a dickin’ bimbo beer chaser, barkeep. Make that two. The ould Cunt will have the same.

    How about that Doc?

  5. “Webb Hubbell is the horsefaced one’s father.’

    What did ol’ Hubbell do, go into the bathroom with a stack of Playboy magazines nd come out and throw it at her from across the room?

  6. Bill looks like a zombie crowd extra from The Walking Dead.
    And he wouldn’t need any makeup.

    He has very advanced late-stage cardiac problems, all a matter of record.
    He’s had a series of very public and very extreme bypass operations. Plus God knows whatever other complications from a life of booze, drugs and bad karma.

    The Dems have tried to spin his serial rapes and assaults into some SNL image of Eveready SuperStud.

    BS. Anyone with that kind of severe heart condition has surely had ED for a long, long time.
    They could hook him up to a straight Viagra IV drip for a week and never even find his pulse.

    “And Sometimes A Cigar…Is Just A Cigar.”

  7. @sig94: No need to apologize – it happens to the best. I did the same thing to somebody yesterday in the same thread, simply because I didn’t scan the previous comments well enough. Hard to catch everything when there’s a lot to read.

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