DICKtionary – IOTW Report


Brown Eyed Girl wrote: I just did a Google search for the word “fascism” because I wanted to print it and keep it handy in the event of an ambush argument.  This is what I found at the top of the page:

fas·cism ˈfaSHˌizəm/

noun an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization.

synonyms: authoritarianismtotalitarianismdictatorshipdespotismautocracy; More

(in general use) extreme right-wing, authoritarian, or intolerant views or practice.

I’m furious.


28 Comments on DICKtionary

  1. No, that is the definition of “Fas” , which the Antifas of Europe have been fighting against for decades. Any resemblance to actual fascism is strictly coincidental.

  2. Who writes google’s dictionary. Merriam Webster still has it right

    often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition
    : a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control

    Even the urban Dictionary still uses Mussolini’s definition.

  3. Typical leftist propaganda! The political spectrum goes from absolute totalitarian rule (oligarchy) at the left extreme, to no authority whatsoever (anarchy) at the right extreme.

    But God bless the libtards who try so desperately to pretend that it’s not their twisted ideology that creates the Hitlers, Stalins, and Mao’s of this world.

    There is no such thing as a right-wing versus left-wing totalitarian system of rule, since the extreme right-wing calls for no rule of any kind. Fascism, socialism, communism are all just different flavors of the same old Godless, depraved, hell-bent on ruling the world wet dream of a few psychopaths and the useful idiots that help them gain control.

  4. It’s google. What Did you expect?

    I just googled the definition of the word ‘Truth’.
    ‘A fact or belief that is accepted as true’.

    There’s a vast difference between those two. Facts are facts. Tribal knowledge is something else entirely.

    Climate Change is true because so many believe it to be true. Got it.

  5. *sigh*
    Fascism is Italian Socialism.
    The Socialist Newspaper Editor and Politician Benito Mussolini attempted to resurrect a Socialistic Roman Empire (in his own image and delusion) and formed the “Fascist” Party to attain that end.
    The socialists will go to any (and every) length to lie to and deceive the gullible that they are fighting for Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness, when they are actually trying to destroy every vestige of Freedom and Liberty on Earth. Results are ALL that matters. Every politician lies. Every movement is about obtaining power for the leaders of that movement (whether for good or ill depends on the outcome) and has nothing to do with wiping the running noses of the great mass of imbeciles scurrying about our cities.
    “Conservatives” believe (essentially) that every human being has value (in and of, himself) and will prosper under the least amount of coercion.
    “Socialists” believe (essentially) that individual humans have no value (in and of, themselves) but only so far as they belong to a certain archetype, and that sampling, or group represented, can only prosper when coerced by overwhelming force.

    That’s it. That’s all there is to it.

    Freedom or Force.
    Liberty or Slavery.
    Conservative or Socialist.

    Pretty fuckin simple, really.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. It’s an accurate description for European politics. There’s left wing (commies) and right wing (socialist). They hate each other and fight a war of propaganda even though they are just two sides of the same coin. The commies somehow convinced the American public that right wing equaled capitalism and traditional American values (libertarian). The American communist (and socialist) changed their label to Progressives then to Liberals and now back to Progressives and Socialist. Americans for the most part are libertarian and just want to be left alone but the political parties, communist, socialist and the media keep us confused with their propaganda by changing the labels and definitions. Conservatives are actually libertarian, trying to “conserve” our traditional freedoms but Liberals convinced American public that conservative meant oppression by our allies in the Christian Conservative movement.

  7. I learned long ago (during GWB) not to get drawn into semantic weeds. When they say “define fascism” expecting me to paint myself into a corner, I say “explain the difference between fascism and socialism”. And they usually can’t, or spout some hypothetical differences. Then you can show that totalitarianism is just… Totalitarianism.

    And when I argue with atheists, I point out that socialism is the world’s most dangerous religion. It requires lack of rational thought and requires reliance on the most vitriolic hatred and myth, everything atheists profess to against.

  8. How did Il Duce define it? He coined the term.

    When Hitler and Stalin signed their nonaggression pact, the Communists in America agitated for isolationism. When Hilter invaded Russia, the Communists in America switched from isolationism to total war. It was at that point they changed the definitions Nazi-ism and fascism to right-wing rather than left-wing.

    By the way, before the war the Left loved Mussolini. Listen to the original lyrics of “Your the Tops!”

  9. Dianny is correct. It’s the same basis for calling a cigarette a fag, a bundle of tobacco and calling gays fags, i.e. a bundle of men. However the two primary examples of Fascism on the Earth were Hitler and Mussolini who were both Socialist i.e. leftists!!! NAZI is short for NNationalsozialistischer deutscher Arbeiterpartei (NSDAP). We called them NAZI’s. The Bolsheviks Stalin and Lennin were fighting against Hitler with for the same type of people that liked socialism

  10. Confusion relief #1: fasces

    The term is from the Roman Empire, not Italy either modern or recent past. It refers to a bundle made up of sticks with an axe in the middle of the bundle. Its symbolism, used in judicial settings, was as an emblem of the power of the magistrate to either flog or behead the guilty (or whoever pissed him off).

    Note that the statue of Abe Lincoln in the Lincoln memorial has him sitting in a magisterial chair whose arm rests are supported by a pair of fasces.

  11. Confusion relief #2: Fascism, Fascist

    The Italian Fascist political party was established in 1921 to oppose Italian communists. For most of its existence, it was headed by Benito Mussolini who controlled Italy from 1922 to 1943.

    Fascism is extremely nationalistic and authoritarian in nature. The Fascist govt directed virtually all aspects of Italian life and commerce, and allowed no criticism much less competition.

    In the strict sense, Fascism is indeed a right-wing ideology. Kindly please note that “right-wing” is not at all the same thing as “conservative” in original meaning. Conservatives who call themselves right-wing are either mistaken or not actually conservative at all.

    Yes, I know that modern usage has blurred the distinction, but that blurring is a bad thing because it reduces the precision of language.

  12. Mussolini was a member of the Socialist International (i.e. Communists) before he was kicked out for supporting entering WWI against Germany and Austria. National Socialism and International Socialism are two sides of the same coin.

  13. What is fascism?

    If you believe there are only two real genders, you are a fascist.

    If you believe that marriage is between an actual man and an actual woman, you are a fascist.

    If you believe that white people should not be genocided, you are a fascist.

    If you believe that countries should have and enforce borders, you are a fascist.

    If you are at all religious, you are a fascist.

    If you think that pedophilia is an abomination, you are a fascist.

    I could keep going, but I hope you have the general idea now.

  14. Real Fascism — a type of ultranationalism or ultratribalism or ultra-secterianism so extreme that it puts the nation or the tribe or the religion above the individual AND above all previous compacts and standards that govern relations between nations or religions, etc

    That’s what really defined the real fascists like the Nazis and the Japanese and the jihadists. They didn’t recognize any rules of war at all. It’s the death cult that made the Fascists the menace that they were (and still are)

  15. Fascism is bad. The left know it’s bad. The petulant left label anyone they disagree with a fascist, and then proceed to demand they behave a certain way, thereby demonstrating the very epithet they just hurled.

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