Did Abraham Lincoln star in “Fatal Attraction? – IOTW Report

Did Abraham Lincoln star in “Fatal Attraction?

Patriot Retort: Yesterday, after losing to her primary challenger by over 35 points, Congresswoman Liz Cheney compared herself to Abraham Lincoln in her sanctimonious concession speech.

What is it about the obsessive Trump haters? Eventually, all of them start exhibiting the same behaviors they claim to hate in Trump.

Imagine the hubris and denial necessary to believe getting your ass handed to you in a humiliating defeat makes you the next Abraham Lincoln.

Has there ever been an incumbent Republican House member who lost a primary challenge by such a wide margin?

I’d be embarrassed for Liz Cheney. But she’s so lacking in self-awareness that my being embarrassed for her would be a waste of energy.

Besides, right now my health hasn’t been too hot and I need all my energy to keep from taking to my bed for a week.

Yes, Abraham Lincoln lost some elections too.

But that’s where the comparison ends. more

4 Comments on Did Abraham Lincoln star in “Fatal Attraction?

  1. “Imagine the hubris and denial necessary to believe getting your ass handed to you in a humiliating defeat makes you the next Abraham Lincoln.”

    Only if you can imagine insanity.


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