Did Biden Say He Wishes He Could Have Taken Trump Behind the Gym? Trump Don’t Swing That Way – IOTW Report

Did Biden Say He Wishes He Could Have Taken Trump Behind the Gym? Trump Don’t Swing That Way

Biden, talking tough, says he wishes he was in high school, because he’d take the 6’3″ military school, star athlete, Trump behind the gym. Unless he’s talking about offering a reach-around, I think ol’ Joe would be in a bit of a pickle.


Center0915-sub-donald-trump-football-2static2-politico-com_-5Trump in striped socks



Second from left

I don’t think so, High School Joe —


And you can’t lie your way out of an ass beating.

Biden caught lying about playing college football.

24 Comments on Did Biden Say He Wishes He Could Have Taken Trump Behind the Gym? Trump Don’t Swing That Way

  1. Well I read the title and was going to point out Trumps is/was a hell of an athlete but I see you have that covered. He has the drive of an athlete even today. Who among us could keep up with his schedule? Not me. I’m sleeping in twice a week.

  2. For a camp that we are constantly being told, is up by 17, 12, 11 points and that they have already won, it seems they are a little too angry and belligerent at the moment.

    Shouldnt they be happy and positive? Gleefully talking transition and floating the names for big appointments?? Isnt the actual election just an annoying formality (insert al gore sigh)?? To me, their lashing out with so much actual violence and bozo OBiden reduced to admitting he wants to assault Trump, I get the feeling they are not so comfortable with where they presently are at. Just my opinion…

  3. After a few whiskeys, Biden said of his encounter with Trump behind the gym, “I hit him in the fist with my nose and knocked him to the ground on top of me.” ( Mark Twain)

  4. Joe Biden has tried his best to spin himself as the ultimate street brawler. At 125 pounds I doubt that. I’ll take the athlete every time. And I know what I’m talking about.

  5. Bad tweet from Assange stating essentially there “is no election”, its all rigged, and its a “consolidation of power”. He says the media is playing a game as though its real in order to prove their absolute loyalty to Hitlery. The most vicious and loyal will be rewarded the most. I know its a statement of the obvious, but he makes it sound as if there is NO possibility of overcoming the fraud and rigging even with the massive turnout we hoped would put the fraud out of reach and make the difference.

  6. BWAAA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HAHHH!!!! Oh, that’s rich!! Crazy Uncle Joe is gonna give DT what-for!! Biden couldn’t punch his way out of a wet paper bag! The Donald would pummel his sorry ass and then drop him in a dumpster where he belongs.

  7. Old Joey loved to fight … just wasn’t very good at it.
    According to the legends, he never gave up – he fought till they beat his fukkin brains out.

    You could look it up.

    izlamo delenda est …

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