Did Gov. Jerry Brown Try To Use State Workers For His Own Profit? – IOTW Report

Did Gov. Jerry Brown Try To Use State Workers For His Own Profit?

Well, well, well. It looks like Jerry Brown, also known as “Governor Moonbeam” of California, who constantly preaches about “green energy” and climate change, was looking to get himself a cut of some sweet oil money. If he could find it on the Brown family land, that is.  —Victory Girls Blog.


4 Comments on Did Gov. Jerry Brown Try To Use State Workers For His Own Profit?

  1. Brown is so connected with the criminal syndicate that runs CA that he is untouchable.
    He became Attorney General in violation of the law as he didn’t have the required BAR experience and qualifications.
    Then the Attorney General’s office, under him, ruled that the constitutional prohibition against a Governor serving more than two terms applied to everyone on earth except Jerry Brown.
    He, and the rest of the syndicate are above the law and are the law.

  2. So what if he did, it’s California! The first rule of law is democRATS DO NOT prosecute fellow democRATS! It’s been that way since his daddy was the Gov. and turned it into a commie state.

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