Did Handlers Try and Attempt To Make Blasey-Ford Seem Adolescent? – IOTW Report

Did Handlers Try and Attempt To Make Blasey-Ford Seem Adolescent?

Abigail Adams-

Something really bugged me yesterday to see Ford show up trying to look (and sound) like a 30-something.  I couldn’t quite figure out why she was sitting there with that floor mop of hair falling down all over her face.

But here’s a picture with her hair swept away from her face, and now it’s obvious.

Her atty’s were trying to make her look and sound decades younger — a “terrified” young(er) woman.  I’m surprised no one in the hearing room didn’t laugh out loud at the peculiar similarities to the musical “Chicago” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YW3MIixEps4&pbjreload=10

~~~~~~~ Snip!~~~~~

People want to know what was up with Ford’s “Valley Girl” vocal fry. (ht/ hot salsa)

“Vocal fry can be the result of a pathology due to injury or a defect in the vocal tract, as it was studied in the 1940s and 50s, or it can be a stylized way of speaking, either consciously or unconsciously,” Casey Klofstad, an associate professor of political science at the University of Miami, tells Yahoo Lifestyle. Celebrities such as Kim and Kourtney KardashianParis Hilton, and Britney Spears have all been accused of using vocal fry to sound ditzy or feminine.
Or they could have a serious case of arrested development. They could be emotionally immature and eager to live in the past, even if that means concocting an event which would facilitate them in being able to justifiably live in that past because they are a “survivor.”
I saw an older lady desperate to be looked upon as a helpless, fragile teenager.
(Also, my hatred of vocal fry inflection and up-talking is well documented. I am a SURVIVOR of having to endure that voice for an entire day!)

28 Comments on Did Handlers Try and Attempt To Make Blasey-Ford Seem Adolescent?

  1. During the break, they are saying that Democrats corralled Flake into a room and he has not been seen since. Now they are all whispering to each other.

    They may have flipped him. Aides on their side are laughing and joking with each other.

  2. She is also from the east coast, not a valley girl state. I kept thinking she referred to her ‘beach friends’ because of Kavanaugh’s ‘beach week’ calendar entry. Good thing the prosecutor asked her who they were, otherwise that hanging chad could have been assumed to mean people from the week he referenced.

  3. Whatever the case may be, that is one damaged and dishonest woman, and it’s in no way Kavanaugh’s doing. Something is very wrong with her and her presentation.

    I despise the vocal fry and up-talking too. My nieces are doing it and they don’t find visiting with me very pleasant because I call them on a bad habit. At least now, we’re even.

  4. @Abigail

    Thank you for pointing this out. I thought the same thing the first moment I heard her speak on a video clip (I was caught up at work during the live portion). I also thought, if she is like this all the time, no wonder her husband would need therapy. I am hoping that someone had asked her if this was her normal speaking voice.

    How is it that Yazidi girls who were made sex slaves by ISIS can testify in front of Congress with more force and dignity than a Stanford professor who was groped 36 years ago?


  5. Ford had high priced lawyers; of course her appearance and mannerisms were stage managed. Unless Ford was experienced in presenting testimony – which I doubt – her lawyers spent several hours coaching her and managing her look.

    The vocal mannerisms are something different – that’s all Ford and is probably due to her extended exposure to college age women. Changing someone’s vocal mannerisms, particularly in a stressful situation, is very difficult; it’s like trying to teach someone to affect a British accent to be used while testifying. Ford’s attorneys only had a few days, so in terms of speech mannerisms they probably focused on eliminating the “uhs,” enunciating clearly, and scrubbing trendy phrases more appropriate to young women and girls.

    Incidentally, for those who were concerned Ford appeared extremely credible during her testimony only to be blown away by Kavanaugh’s statement and testimony, Ford should have appeared credible and trustworthy. Her lawyers knew what was coming from the Republicans, to the extent that any Democrat bothered to ask a question then those questions were provided in advance, and Ford was clearly ready for the subject matter. Lawyers will tell you that in trial practice, if the plaintiff (who goes first) is not winning after presenting his or her case, the plaintiff is going to lose.

    I listened to Ford, but I watched the Kavanaugh testimony. That level of sustained anger and emotion is very difficult to coach or fake, and only enhanced what he actually said.

  6. What’s up with the cloudy eyeglasses?

    It has something to do with being a prog. You see it all the time in Seattle and to me it indicates to me that the wearer is a poster child for low self esteem. They commonly are wearing mismatched socks, look like they dressed out of a cloths hamper and frequently reek of piss and stale cigarette smoke.

  7. I think it’s a fake voice. It isn’t normal. I knew an elderly woman who had a little girls voice. It was caused by her brother forcing scalding hot water down her throat when they were kids.

  8. She also did this thing with tilting her face down so her chin just about touched her neck. That helped with the little girl, vocal fry sound. She also had to look over her way-too-large (think little girl playing dress-up) glasses.

    She did this little wiggle and smile to look adorable (she thought). But when she wanted to make a point, she straightened up and almost glared defiantly.

    She was coached, dressed and presented so as to fool (mostly men who tend to go all weak at the knees when they see a “helpless girl”) as many people as possible.

  9. They wanted her clutching a Barbie doll too but I guess they thought that might be over the top.

    As far as the voice goes she’s surrounded by Cali college students all day and she’s picked up the the tone and inflection. She just greatly exaggerated it for effect.

  10. Dingy airheads can’t lie, you know the kind that can remember one item of an event 36 years ago but cant remember something as consequential as who paid for a polygraph 3 weeks ago or can’t remember that they don’t like flying during an 11 hour flight going on vacation.

    Wait for the buzzard to drop. Hopefully by then we have strengthened our ranks in the house and senate.

  11. my hippocamous is telling me that she is really nasty when she gets drunk. The voice is fake, the hair extensions are fake, her glasses were props. The same with the coke- always give a kid a soda to make them happy- that’s what they did.
    But the important thing is that she didn’t provide any new information or evidence, was unable to corroborate her story but rather altered it, and on several occasions, flat out lied.

  12. The “foggy” fake eyeglasses (or maybe reading glasses) act like a diffuser on a camera lens. It softens the bags and wrinkles around the eyes. Notice, too, the very soft makeup with lots of lashes. Fresh, young look.


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