Did Milli Vanilli teach us nothing?! – IOTW Report

Did Milli Vanilli teach us nothing?!


You’d think after the Milli Vanilli scandal of the 1990s, pop singers would stop lip syncing on stage.

But no!

These idiots never learn.

Pop singers are so dependent on pre-recorded and digitally remastered audio tracks, they can’t carry a tune without them.

And apparently they’re more than willing to wreck their reputations live on national television.


The latest victim of pre-recorded vocals is another 1990s has-been, Mariah Carey.

Mariah was the headliner for “Dick Clark’s Rockin’ Eve” last night which only proves that the Dick Clark name doesn’t have the same prestige it once did.

When was the last time Mariah Carey was considered a superstar?


SNIP: Be sure to click the link to the NYPost.
Her ‘performance’ and her excuse for it were fantastically cringeworthy!

28 Comments on Did Milli Vanilli teach us nothing?!

  1. The problem is they use too much ‘electronic’ enhancement in the studio.
    It’s impossible to recreate this live. So they lip sync. Back in the day we would use
    2 reel to reel decks perfectly synced if one system went down the other system would
    automatically take over. People rarely knew there was a problem.

  2. Saw the clip. All she had to do is show up and do a couple of minutes of Karaoke.

    Her mic worked fine.
    She got paid. The check cleared.
    She just can’t be bothered to sing.
    If you can even call what comes out of her processed studio sessions “singing”.

    BTW, she’s really gained weight.
    She looks like Amy Schumer’s body double.

  3. Talentless. Gravity is doing her no favors either. That old PHenry was sawing logs by 10pm means that beauty sleep won out over the loss of IQ suffered by viewers of dead dick’s rock in’ New Year’s Eve.

  4. Don’t get me started. Real talent struggles for a living, largely unknown, while techno-poop gets pushed by the execs. They’re snakes, it’s what they do, but the real blame lies with the sheeple that finance them by buying their autotuned crap. FAKE, just like the their news.
    No wonder I’m a misanthrope.

  5. She CAN sing. She just doesn’t do it. I saw her on a few shows where she did cameos and she obviously knew she was there to sing, and she sang a few seconds and then started talking about whatever. lol.
    It’s almost as if her voice is giving out and she doesn’t want to let people know. This doesn’t help her at all.
    Oh well.

  6. “She shoulda let a boob pop out. That seems to make up for lack of talent these days.”

    @Jethro: Thank God she didn’t have him pop out. I can’t stand seeing photos of that short-timer of the White House. However, I didn’t read where the tax-payer-golf-king was at the lip-sync.

  7. Lazy, self-absorbed waste of time. The crowd was so happy just to be in the presence of a celebrity, they didn’t care she was taking them for granted like a bunch of dolts.
    Middle age is not going to be kind to Mariah. She’s going to get very fat around 50+. The sex kitten act is not working at all. Put some decent clothes on, Mariah.

  8. Well, I’m just sayen I’ve seen her back in the day do some Gospel stuff, if which I can take or leave, but the woman has some pipes and some talent. Don’t know what happened to her after that.

  9. Brad, she Used to have some great pipes.
    But she fell into the lip sync world, where the 20 dancers on stage and their nonsense are far more important than actually making music.
    Lazlo was a musician back in the days of Milli Vanilli.
    Performance is someone actually do something.
    If you buy a ticket to a show and this happens, you are being ripped off.
    Mariah is a scam artist, mooching off her fans, so she live in a Diva Bubble and can demand that none of the ‘little people’ like production and hotel staff can ‘make eye contact’.
    She’s a has-been, trying to live off her Tits since her talent has abandoned her

  10. @DD
    “…a Diva.”
    I haven’t quite figured out all the women who identify themselves as a diva, it’s not a complementary term.
    In the more common vernacular, it’s bitch, what woman wants to be called a bitch?
    Call yourself a diva, not cool.

  11. Mariah’s already done the boob exposure/resume enhancer at an “awards” show decades ago.

    I missed her lip-stink “fiasco” because we had a fun house party going and when I glanced at the tv, I thought she was wearing a loaded Depends and almost did a spit take of wine.
    Sexy thang?? Hell NO!

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