Did Obama Shed His Wedding Ring in Laos? – IOTW Report

Did Obama Shed His Wedding Ring in Laos?

It would be extremely easy to Photoshop a ring off his finger.

BUT, Bangkok isn’t too far away from Laos, and they have some rough trade that might be to Obama’s liking.

Update: Diogenes says, “pffffft, you don’t have to go to Bangkok.”


17 Comments on Did Obama Shed His Wedding Ring in Laos?

  1. He traded in his wedding for a sphincter ring. Besides a wedding ring only gets in the way when you’re out hunting for fecal gherkins.

    @BFH, i’ve been killing people with that one all day. Thanks for that!

  2. The boy took it off for Ramadan (when you’re prohibited from wearing jewelry) and he forgot to wear it again. The ring is some Moslem ring he started wearing before college.

    Soros still has the boy wearing a nose ring.

  3. He must have gotten dressed in a hurry as he forgot his wedding ring, suit jacket and tie. Anyone else think he’s too casually dressed for a President? One too many buttons unbuttoned…is he wearing flip flops too?

  4. It has often been said that the man plays with fire. Perhaps that flame revealed, in the common tongue, “One ring to rule them all, one ring to find them. One ring to find them all and in the darkness bind them.”

  5. It isn’t a wedding ring. He wore that ring before he met his manly husband Mooch. It has an islamic inscription that probably denotes his loyalty to the caliphate.
    Like Hillary, he’s really married to Satan. They are the opposite of nuns.

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