Did Pelosi Admit She Knew Content of Ukraine Call Before It Was Released? – IOTW Report

Did Pelosi Admit She Knew Content of Ukraine Call Before It Was Released?

Western Journal:

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi may have revealed during an interview over the weekend that she knew the contents of President Donald Trump’s July 25 phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky before the president made the transcript public.

However, her spokesperson says it’s all a misunderstanding.

During a segment on CBS News “60 Minutes” on Sunday, Pelosi told host Scott Pelley that Trump had called her early last week to discuss the phone conversation.

“He told me it was perfect,” Pelosi said. “There was nothing in the call. But I knew what was in the call. I mean, it was in the public domain.”

But it wasn’t in the public domain. Trump did not release the call transcript until Sept. 25, four days after initial reports about the call broke. read more

12 Comments on Did Pelosi Admit She Knew Content of Ukraine Call Before It Was Released?

  1. No she did not know the content of the call. She did know the content of the “whistleblower” complaint before it was released to congress– that’s what she’s referring to in that interview. Neither she nor the whistleblower had any idea as the content of the actual call.

    Actually, I’m sure she was aware of the content of the fabricated “whistleblower” complaint months ago, long before it was officially submitted to anyone.

  2. I like watching her on TV. She makes no sense and embarrasses herself almost every time.
    The best strategy would be to keep Pelosi, AOC, & Waters in front of the camera and answering live questions.

  3. President Trump (read: America) is besieged by liars, thieves, traitors, spies, and a corrupt toady (Goebbels/Pravda-type) media.

    WE have tolerated this.
    WE have allowed this – even voted for it.
    Thermopylae fell.
    President Trump and his “Guard” cannot (indefinitely) hold off the immense power of Inter National Socialism. The scurrying rats of totalitarianism are chewing at the cords of civilization while we sleep.
    At some point we must either resign ourselves to sheepishly submit to the pens or to fight.

    Forewarned is forearmed.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Trump and our country, its survival as an independent single nation, is at extreme risk right now.

    Don’t dismiss the impeachment movement lightly, it is far more dangerous than it seems.

    It is meant as a tool for far more destructive developments by the power (or maybe those powers) that is intent on destroying the US since it stands in the way of something more far reaching that it intends.

    Be aware, be prepared.


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