Did Reuters Shut Down a Live Feed of a Positive and Uplifting Trump Moment To All Broadcasters? – IOTW Report

Did Reuters Shut Down a Live Feed of a Positive and Uplifting Trump Moment To All Broadcasters?

I’m going to listen to this with headphones. In the meantime, let me know what you think.

ht/ rob e.

11 Comments on Did Reuters Shut Down a Live Feed of a Positive and Uplifting Trump Moment To All Broadcasters?

  1. “Did Reuters Shut Down a Live Feed of a Positive and Uplifting Trump Moment To All Broadcasters? ”


    It is the plain truth.

    Cameraman would take a demotion to keep rolling and boss man shut it down himself.

    Had a lib going in a tizzy today accusing me of only listening to some odd source of news when it was him being bamboozled by the likes of all these so-called news outlets shaping the stories.

    This is an example of what I was trying to tell him.

    I have a long way to go with him but it will be an easy one-step-at-a-time thing. Too much at once and he shuts down. He called later to apologize for going so far off the handle because his lady friend is a 33-year friend of the family that my oldest son never forgets to call on Mother’s day. He didn’t accede anything but I’ll have sources on hand to point him in the right direction next time. Things like this.

    He actually thought the Christian radio station I listen to was a source of hate and other vile things. All I could say was: ‘I listen to hear the word of God. 100.7 listen for yourself some morning.’ Which is the only times I have for radio.

  2. Ayuh. And everyone played along with the prayer shawl Trump was presented with being referred to as a “prayer rug”.

    I am absolutely disgusted with anything resembling the MSM, especially after reading the TCT post today about Murdoch piloting FOX port side.

    Good to know there’s no mistaking things anymore. I hate wasting my time, and that’s all they’re good for.

  3. News outlets provide for us a product. We are its consumers. However, we are not consistent consumers of their product.

    We do not consume their product while our towers stand tall and our economy is sound.

    We do not consume their product when we feel our children are safe at school.

    We do not consume their product when people settle their differences through peaceful, meaningful discourse in the marketplace of ideas.

    We do not consume their product while people of varying races, ethnicities, faiths and beliefs agree to abandon a dark and troublesome past in pursuit of a brighter future.

    Instead, we consume their product the most in times of peril. When our daily lives have been shaken to their foundations by events beyond our control. When security withers away, only to be replaced by uncertainty.

    When we feel the most powerless.

    Remember this when news outlets tell you who they feel should lead our country.

  4. Two things occurred here: First, the Black Community just changed sides. We will see a huge turn out of the Black vote for Trump this November. Second, more proof of the bias of the media. I wonder what Reuters is saying at this time about this incident. That and no-one accepts the media automatically anymore.

  5. “That and no-one accepts the media automatically anymore. ”

    I wish that were true. That is the exact problem I was up against Saturday. Blind following of the lefty news outlets and disparagement of any else.

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